Help us fulfill each other and be with each other. Open the line of communication that has been lost. Restore the love and relationship to whole replacing what was lost. Let this be our last relationship with only each other. Let us work this out. Make this bond so strong that we can’t even break it. Turn those away that come against us. Remove all the negativity from our hearts and minds. Thank you for this time we are going through. Delivery is together stronger. Delete the wrong and make it right. Give us eyes and our hearts to only each other. Help get through this time and hurt. Thank you for bringing us into each others lives and showing us love again. I know you have a way to make this work even though I don’t know it. Please give us another chance to make things right. Let us cry out to you in joy with your new found love in each other. Be with us and bless us. Take care of Thomas and be with him, speak to him. Soften the hearts that are hard. With you all things are possible.