East Coast and Deep South: Ready for the Siberian Blast?

COLD weather is headed our way!
What do you do to prepare? A friend is taking personal days next week, anticipating snow storms in his area.

Grocery stores here (Georgia) are already having trouble keeping bread and a few other items in stock.

Oh no! Sorry!

Cold weather in the East made worse by second-hand smoke from California.

No wonder the world hates us.

I have coffee, hot chocolate, tea, and soup. I plan to watch the snow from inside. Wind chill tonight around 19. A real rarity where I live.

Also glad I have an electric blanket.

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Yeah, well we had a windchill of minus 20 last night. Actually temp was shown as 1 degree around midnight. YIKES!

NO electric blanket for me, but a very warm and cozy “false down” quilted blanket over top of bedspread and thermal sheets. SO WARM!!


I kept hot drinks on the ready. Tea, coffee, chocolate all go well with fleece clothing and wool socks.

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Yesterday, I woke up to tend the animals (we have goats, chickens and ducks) to a brisk 8 degrees. Thankful for the 18 degrees we got today…

Glad to have a nice fire in the fireplace and a loving wife to have a cup of coffee with while we start our day.


Praying for some rain in California!

And enjoying some coffee as well. :blush:

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