Isn't this the problem with all Christian forums?

@Rev12_11 I want you to challenge yourself and some of the ideas you hold dear. What a lot of folks here are encouraging you to do is to set your little sword down, the way we would talk to a five-year-old playing soldier who just knocked over a house plant. That might sound offensive to you, but it isn’t meant to be. It is, however- how you are at times portraying yourself.

What you have is an intellectual house full of furniture. A bunch of ideas that you’ve collected and assembled together to create a comfortable space for yourself. Folks here, many of us with a few wrinkles and some of us with a few whiskers are old enough to know that -with certainty- you will in the days ahead exchange some of those old furnishings for new ones.

Faith and doubt are not opposites, because doubt properly questions an idea or dogma.

Doubt is not a sin. It’s a tool. And Faith is not a crutch-- it’s the thing that makes life worth living, and it coexists with doubt.

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