Please pray for my boyfriend and I as we struggle to remain together while he battles addiction and trust

Please pray for my boyfriend and I. My boyfriend is battling a significant addiction to fentanyl. I am trying to remain a support and not give up on him like everyone else human in his life has done. He is worth it. Its just very hard to deal with the drug abuse daily for a multitude of reasons and I find myself getting almost jealous of the lengths he will go to for the drug, being neglected for the drug, coming 2nd to the drug. So, please pray for us to have God touch his heart and deliver him from this pain and to have God open his eyes to the love and support he takes for granted in me. Thank you all so very much!!

I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Remember that the addiction is a disease and it’s not who your boyfriend is. I am covering you both in prayer and praying that he can break free from this!