Pompeii and God's Judgement

What kind of thinking?

Can you describe the kind of thinking you are judging me with?

I’m challenging the premise of your thread-- You’ve presented an idea here that God was judging Pompeii and caused a volcano to wipe the city out.

You titled the thread–Pompeii and God’s Judgement. I’m simply asking-- how can you be sure? God never pronounced judgment on the City that we know of, in any historical record. There’s no account of a Jonah visiting and warning the City. How can you be sure that it wasn’t just an earth-burp that caused the eruption when two tectonic plates jostled about deep in the womb of the earth, like genes causing bones to form?

Honest questions deserve honest answers, and the answer is this>>

You can’t be sure, because you don’t know. It’s mysterious in nature.

I am an authority.

Are you challenging me?

I gave argument. You resist. We find worthless retort.

Give up. Evidence was given. You refused it.

The next step is…

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.

Why is something like God’s Judgement important to you where you need to fight me? Were you epically guilty of something?

Guilty of something in someway that someone may have hard time turning away from?

That is the only rationale I can come up with with your continued resistance. I would say “May God have mercy on your soul” but that is a knee jerk. I am aware that the fate of false teachers. There is no mercy.

lol. You’re trying too hard.

I don’t know what kind of authority you claim to be, nor do I care. Maybe you got a badge or a secret decoder ring out of a box of Cracker Jacks. Still don’t care. You hold no authority over me.

Be sure you stop short of making threats, or you’ll go the way of your Reddit experience in a flash.

Check out Fox Weather and you’ll see that they disagree.

I’m not sure I’d classify these things under extreme weather either if it was up to me. I’m just saying that organization like fox weather, and the weather channel are reporting on them as extreme weather. A tsunami does create mass flooding though, does it matter that it came from the Ocean?

Amos 3:4-8
4 Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing?
5 Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him? shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at all?
6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
8 The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?

If that’s the point you are making— that the talking heads want to call everything “weather” I would tend to agree with you, but saying things doesn’t make them so. Calling my dog, a cat doesn’t make him one. Neither would whisker-lengthening surgery (sorry transgender activists).

But yes— when “man-made global warming” was proven to be a hoax, they quickly flipped the script and started hysterically screeching about “climate change” — which can be anything they want it to be. Hotter hots and colder colds. Drier droughts and rainier rains. Flooding as well as empty reservoirs.

A tectonic plate shifts, the earth quakes and a tsunami brings a wave of water that destroys coastal cities, flooding for miles— Climate Change! Weather!

It’s pure fantasy.

Sorry I was away during this bizarre discussion.

You likely missed all the juicy parts. :woman_zombie:

Why would Pompeii be God’s judgement, but the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima be just an act of war?
Pompeii was due natural phenomenon.
But so was the devastation at Hiroshima.
The atomic blast was the result of a natural phenomenon that is repeatable and predictable.
That does not support the fact that God is love.

I have a different way of looking at it.

Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. KJV

Sin did not just corrupt man.
Sin also corrupted the earth.
The “natural phenomena” we see, floods, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and all the rest are proof that the earth was included in the fall of man.
This is why a new earth is needed as our final residence…


Beyond reason. You’d have to turn logic into Stretch Armstrong to make this make even the smallest bit of sense. This is silly.

There was nothing natural about Hiroshima.

Please look up the definition of “natural phenomena” and get back to us.

Actually---- here>>>>

MrE, ask the right questions and you get the right
answers. Let’s ask Google.

Google: What makes the atomic bomb so destructive?
Answer: An atomic bomb is so destructive because it harnesses the immense energy released when atomic nuclei split apart in a chain reaction, causing a sudden and massive release of energy in the form of heat, blast, and radiation, all happening within a very short time frame; this process, called nuclear fission, is what generates the destructive power of the bomb.

Google: What is nuclear fission?
Answer: Nuclear fission is a reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei. The fission process often produces gamma photons, and releases a very large amount of energy even by the energetic standards of radioactive decay.

Google: Is nuclear fission a natural phenomenon?
Answer: Yes, nuclear fission is a natural phenomenon, as some radioactive elements like uranium naturally undergo spontaneous fission, although at a very slow rate; however, the large-scale controlled fission reactions used in nuclear power plants are man-made and require specific conditions to occur

Google: Does nuclear fision occur anywhere naturally?
Answ: Yes, nuclear fission does occur naturally, but only in very specific circumstances, most notably at the Oklo site in Gabon, Africa, where a natural nuclear reactor existed billions of years ago, making it the only known location on Earth where this phenomenon has been observed in nature;.

Google: Does nuclear fission occur anywhere else in the universe?
Answer: Yes, recent scientific research indicates that nuclear fission does occur naturally elsewhere in the universe, most likely within the extreme environments of neutron star mergers, where the conditions are conducive to this process, and evidence suggests it plays a role in creating heavy elements like silver and rare earth metals in stars across the cosmos.

So the destructive power of the atomic bomb is caused by the natural phenomenon of nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is occuring in nature at the Oklo site in Gabon Africa. Nuclear fission also occurs elsewhere in the universe. Those are the facts.

Prove those facts are wrong MrE.

Nuclear fission, the destructive power of the atomic bomb, is a natural phenomenon

I stand by my statement.


That’s dopey. There’s nothing natural about atomic weapons. Man-made, man delivered.

Maybe you don’t understand what natural means.

So you double down on dopey.

Your argument is so well reasoned MrE.
Thanks for sharing.


Joe-- I took issue only with what you said and only because it was a ridiculous statement.

The devastation at Hiroshima was NOT a natural phenomenon because it was natural. It was on purpose. That’s a simple point. If you can’t get your head around it, that’s on you.

I don’t care if you double down, or triple-dog-dare-me. It will always be silly to consider an atomic blast from a nuclear weapon to be a natural phenomenon by any stretch of the imagination.

It’s like arguing that someone who got hit in the head with a policemen’s flashlight was only struck by light.

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