I don’t know really what to pray for. My mother & I have never really gotten along. Last year I was supposed to be the Executor of her will and trustee for my sister. To make a long story short,I went out of my way to make sure my sister would be able to remain at my mother’s house and things got ugly and as the saying goes “no good deed goes unpunished”. I was trying to do a good thing and as events turned out and my mother’s mind rapidly going downhill, I got thrown off being Executor and in charge of my sister’s trust. For the past 15 years I had done nothing but good things for the both of them. Shopping (even though I live in NYC and they in CT), renting my sister’s condo after she could no longer live there, etc. Deed after deed and basically I just got kicked in the teeth. I don’t know how long my mom will live but she doesn’t seem well and this will, as it is now, it not realistic or practical as my mother has put her friend in charge of everything. Lawyer warned her that it is not a good idea to use an outsider for these things. I pray that my mother comes to her senses and changes this. Asking for peace and for all to work out well as well as longer life for my mother. In the name of Jesus. Thank you so much for your prayers. Maria H