The virgin birt of Jesus

I found this lovely review of a book I’ll probably read. This little review tells us why the virgin birth was necessary and that it’s theology.


The Bible teaches that Jesus entered our world through a virgin’s womb. Even in an age when opponents of Christianity are often more exercised about morals than miracles, that’s a tough claim for skeptical outsiders to swallow.

In all likelihood, Christians will always need to invest energy in defending the rational basis for affirming the Virgin Birth. And yet, as Rhyne Putman argues in his latest book, Conceived by the Holy Spirit: The Virgin Birth in Scripture and Theology, we shouldn’t lose sight of the rich theological meaning nested in this doctrine, which testifies in profound ways to God’s work of redemption in Christ.

Theologian Patrick Schreiner reviewed the book for CT.

“My favorite parts of the book concern the significance of the Virgin Birth,” writes Schreiner. "Putman argues that it was fitting for Jesus to come to earth in this way even if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.

"There are three reasons for this. First, the Virgin Birth is fitting because it reveals that Jesus is truly human as well as truly divine. Usually, when we think of the Virgin Birth, we emphasize the improbability of a virgin giving birth while downplaying the birth itself. However, treasures reside in both terms. The Virgin Birth is certainly amazing because Jesus was born of a virgin, but it’s equally amazing that God himself was born.

"Second, the Virgin Birth is fitting because it signals Jesus’ uniqueness. It indicates that Jesus, though fully human, is unlike every other human being. He is naturally the Son of God but adopted a human father for himself in Joseph. The Virgin Birth displays Jesus, in the words of the Nicene Creed, as ‘God from God, Light from Light.’

"Jesus’ existence did not begin when human sperm fertilized a human egg. In fact, Jesus did not ever begin to exist, since he has existed from before the creation of the world (John 1:1–3; Col. 1:15–17). The Virgin Birth bears witness to the fact that Jesus’ life didn’t begin at conception like ours.

“Third, the Virgin Birth is fitting because it signals that we are saved by grace alone. Jesus’ coming was not the result of human ingenuity or the forethought of Israel. Like Mary and Joseph, we are simply recipients of God’s favor and grace. It was God’s action that caused Jesus to be born, not the grand plan of humanity. This reminds us that our salvation is based on God’s initiative. We didn’t orchestrate our salvation; it was wrought by God.”

Of course we virgin birth is necessary.
Without it Jesus is just a man.
A man cannot save another person’s soul.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; KJV

Our sin disqualifies any man from being the Savior.
To be an acceptable sacrifice to God, the animals used in Old Testament times, and even in Christ’s time, had to be without spot osh.
So Jesus has to begotten by God to be a qualified sacrifice.
