Valley in life - health issues, job issues and faith issues

2025 has been very heavy. It has started with my mom being diagnosed with MDS Acute leukemia (AML), days later having pneumonia and being hospitalized and being unresponsive with fluid around her heart and almost not making it, then miraculously (thank you Jesus) coming out of it to the point of being able to start chemo days later. She has a long road ahead of her with chemo and eventually a stem cell transplant and is just in so much pain. She also has pre-existing conditions that make it all tricky.

We also found out I may have to move 4 hours away for 4 months to help my mom while she gets her stem cell transplant as she needs more than just my dad as a caregiver and the place she’s getting it done is far from home as it’s the only place in our province that does it. So it’s 4 months away from my husband and our 3 kids, possibly missing my daughter’s grade 12 grad.

In addition my husband has been put on administrative leave from his job and although he’s less stressed out, it was a shock to us and we’re stressed about him going back to the toxic environment and praying this is God opening doors to a new opportunity He will place in front of him. Since finding out about the temporary move yesterday that I might have to be doing, we know that’s likely why God has my husband on paid leave as it didn’t make sense to us, but we still worry about the future as we’re a single income family. We’re just thankful that God has made it a paid leave. So praying for the right job and the truth to come out on this leave so maybe it means him not having to look elsewhere.

Our 2 teens have also fallen away from God (or at least church) and so we’re worried about them and their relationship with God. It’s just all so much, all at once.

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Praying right now for your situation. Trust that God will meet your every need.

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