Jesus said the sabbath was made for men and showed he didn’t follow it by working on it.
Sabbath is actually our Saturday but due ot modern work and life many have ot work and shop and play.
The sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
People argue and argue about whether or not the sabbath has to be on Saturday, the “last day of the week.” I could make a calendar that has Saturday as the first day of the week. If it out-sells other calendars, Saturday becomes the first day of the week.
I think people miss the point - we need a day of rest each week. For me it usually would be Sunday, but if I have to work on Sunday, then it can be Monday. Or it could be half of Monday and half of Tuesday. And so on.
The seventh day of the week is the seventh day of the week. It doesn’t matter what you call it. You could call it Jupiter and it would still be the seventh day of the week.
And which day of the week is the last day of the week?
The seventh day of the week is the last day of the week.