Why Didn't God Just Forgive Adam and Eve?

As I have said, God did not just kill them and start over because God gave them the right to choose to obey Him or not. Like wise God did not just forgive them because God does not change, the choice was to be made by Adam, mankind.
The choice to obey and fellowship with God is for people to make for themselves. We must choose to fellowship with God or to live appart, our own way.
God did not just forgive them He gave them the choice to love Him or not.

Really? Why?

Who made that rule?

It doesn’t answer the question. Why not simply forgive?

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You seem to be missing or not willing to admit, “There ARE things God cannot do!” CHANGING His determined edict is one of them.
Please see, admit, or understand God made people for fellowship,

God cannot “Just forgive them”, He gave them the right to choose Him or self.

God made the rule and followed it. There are things God cannot do, such as sin. He can’t stay true to who He is if he sins or otherwise does not keep his own rules. Yes He limits Himself to His own rules, and we can thank Him that He does.

No, I don’t believe that at all.

I could give you examples where He breaks His own rules. It’s certainly within His power to do so at anytime of His choosing.

Well, that says a lot!
First what you believe makes no difference.
If God is all-knowing All-Powerful, and Unchanging in His attributes HE CANNOT DO OTHER THAN WHAT HE SAID.
There is no point in discussing the BIBLE with someone who has their mind made up to an error.
I withdraw from the discussion and Pray you will in time see truth.

See ya!

It’s indeed hard to have a discussion with someone who doesn’t see the dichotomy of their views, in professing an “All-Powerful” God while at the same time professing that He has limitations.

There’s a vast difference between things God can’t do (of which there are none)… and things God doesn’t do (of which there are many).

I’m sure Nineveh was glad that God was willing to change his mind. Jonah seemed to feel a bit put out over the matter.

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