Heavenly Father I have let the circumstances of life weigh me down so heavily and it’s like l am being punished for doing things I believe to be right. It states in your word that if I have “faith as small as a mustard seed I can say to the mountains be moved….” My faith sometimes waivers frequently and I tend to look to the world for remedies and solutions instead of totally relying on you God and your word. Lord the suffering has sometimes caused me to harbor unforgiveness towards others and it lingers. I pray for the strength to forgive all hurts past and present so that l will not remain blocked and stagnant from doing your will. God please give me the strength, courage, and grace to do what is required to enter into your Heavenly Kingdom leaving all past hurts & regrets behind so that l can move forward not back with a mind and heart willing to forgive others so that I may be forgiven. in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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Amen! I pray the same prayer for myself, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!