Use this prayer board to post your prayer requests and praises, or respond in prayer to other’s requests.
How do I put a prayer request on the screen. Tried for awhile but gave up. thank you for your prayers of other people if I can’t get on, usually means to pray for others. Good night
Prayer request for my adult sons, daughters and me for complete healing and the ability to forgive.
My husband and their biological father, was a pastor and master of deception; sexually abused them as children for many years.
Covering his dirty deeds with lavish gifts and manipulation.
I worked full time and sometimes traveled.
The children are good kind people who contribute to society but deep down they are still suffering. They blame me for not protecting them. I didn’t know I needed to protect them from their own father. Both the children and I are his victims. I suspect there may have been other victims although no one has ever come forward. Please pray for them as well.
Thank you and God bless you for this worldwide prayer and praise platform.
I asked for prayer for my 17 year son that he graduates high school with a diploma.
I also for prayer for my nine year old foster son, he wants me to adopt him. Prayer for God to make it happen quickly.
Payer for a wife that will accept me for me.
How can you write an prayer
I wrote my prayer desires thinking it was going to be posted but I had to go through the process of signing up and my prayer were never posted because of that !
Please just pray that I will be favored as Jabez were t