There are a lot of allegories between faith and marriage. Let’s explore some.
- The Song of Songs is in the Bible as an allegory for God’s love for Israel or the Church.
- Reading the Prophets of the Bible, they were men separated by time and space who used particular allegories. Israel or Jerusalem as God’s wife was a major theme.
- In the New Testament, The Church became Israel. The Church is a Bride for Christ.
Faith is a knowledgeable dependence. What is an easy way to see the relationship between Faith and marriage?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
John is recently married. He started a new life with a woman named Sue. They are building a house, a family, a marriage together. They are learning how to grow in faith, a knowledgeable dependence with each other.
John, he goes to work. He works hard. At the end of the day, he drives home, and he finds that his house is clean, and in order, and dinner is about to be ready. John did not see his wife do these things. He was not looking over her shoulder all day, being a backseat driver. John, after a hard days work, he hoped to come home and relax, and have a good meal. John received evidence of things unseen when he came home from work, and found his house in order, and dinner about to be ready.
Over several months, and years, John and Sue, they grew in a knowledgeable dependence of each other. They learned how to lean on one another, and where the other was strong and dependable.
Faith in God is similar. God works exactly as God has revealed himself to The Prophets and various followers of Christ. Faith is a journey. Faith was a journey for John and Sue getting to know each other, and learning to trust. Faith is a journey, of getting to know God. At some point, a man may be able to read the news in the morning and see God’s hand. He had evidence of things unseen. He may be reading The Signs of the Times. (Matthew 16:3)