Are Christians hypocrites regarding alcohol and other disputable issues?

Alcohol and other disputable issues often create division within the Christian community. Some believers enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, while others view any use of alcohol as sinful. Are Christians being hypocritical when it comes to these gray areas, or is it simply a matter of personal conviction?

Easy to judge others if you were raised in a church where alcohol was preached against, or if you have alcoholism.

The issue I find worse than judgement is lying- repeating the untruth that wine was really grape juice and Jesus never touched alcohol.

I would agree about Jesus not drinking wine.

Wine was a part of the Passover meal too.

Hypocrisy would apply to the closet drinkers who condemn it publicly but party on the cruise ship, or go out of town to purchase it so they won’t be seen.

There were denominations that believed it was a sin to attend a movie in the movie theater, but not a sin to watch tv or dvds, etc.
That seems weird and hypocritical.