Chinese Communist Spy in New York

They found a Chinese Communist Spy in New York a few months ago.

Article: Ex-top aide to N.Y. Gov. Kathy Hochul was a secret Chinese agent, prosecutors say

She had links to Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo was big in the National Democratic Party around COVID. How much did said spy have to do with various Democratic Party Platform issues to include DEI? Given you research it, she big into DEI.

Marxism - Works to create chaos towards revolution.

In an understanding of Marxism working to create chaos, break down families, and separate people from God, a lot of what the Democratic Party and their Establish Republican Allies have done makes sense.

Do you believe that China is the only nation doing this?
Why wouldn’t the CIA have spies embedded in China?
Espionage works both ways.
Don’t think for a second the USA is innocent.


There has been an Oligarchy of Evil Associated with the World Economic Forum, like the WEF at Davios, Switzerland last February. They would be “Satanic Entity,” associated with Blackrock.

They came together around the fall of the Berlin Wall, and their goals have been “different.” The WEF is where we get an understanding of Christians writing about a New World Order. Many people who have rejected God have tended towards “Some form of Socialism.” The last several decades, since about the mid 1990’s or so, the WEF type people, they have been working on Corporatism via Mussolini.

Wikiarticle: Corporatism - Wikipedia

In American Capitalism, trusts were busted, and monopolies broken. Initiatives were started to help keep small business competitive. Someone may have been able to build a Mom and Pop grocery store and compete with the giants. Power was decentralized or defused.

In Corporatism, power is being centralized into mega-corporations who work closely with a central authority. This central authority in Fascism would be the Government. The central authority with the WEF would be an Oligarchy of Evil.

Why can’t the CIA investigate them? The CIA, and other government agencies, like the FBI, they are smaller and easier to corrupt. James Comey was a corrupt and dishonorable person. Did he promote “Yes Men?” Christopher Wray was a dishonorable person who gave the American people reason to doubt. There have been a lot of DEI hires. How far did something like that go in a variety of agencies, and who are they loyal to? The American people or foreign interests?

It is sort of like government officials lying about Biden’s Mental Acuity. They only needed Biden as a figure head. The government was being run by an Oligarchy of Evil.

Given Communist China, what exactly would be their goals?

China has been investing in foreign governments around the world. China has been looking to assert its authority in the South China Sea, and along the border with India. There is a very Nationalist Agenda there.

China currently looks to be engaging a “Shadow Five Year Plan.” A Communist Five Year Plan is where there is massive upheaval in society towards some goal. This goal usually involved mass murder and enslavement and worse. China looks to be de-investing itself in foreign economies in such a way that given a World Wide Depression and conflict, China would be in a favorable position.

The goal of China may have been to destabilize the US, and the world, towards China being able to assert its power in the South China Sea, take Taiwan, and replace the US as top world power.

We live in a world where fruit from Chile can be canned in Taiwan. We live in a world where the blue jeans someone wears, the parts may have been made in five different countries. Given something happens to the world economy, like a Great Depression worse than 1929, and the US Navy cannot perform its function as defenders of free trade, that would create anarchy. The goal has been anarchy towards revolution.

The goal of the WEF has also been towards creating anarchy, towards a New World Order.

Christians should be aware of this, and be informing and educating people about it. We will use it towards building the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God has particular values.

Do massive fires in California align with these goals? I was watching the news, and people in LA, they were starting their own fires outside of the massive fires. Who does something like that? Were people starting a fire during a major fire catastrophe associated with far left politics?

The Question: What is the relationship between DEI and Marxism and Western Occultism?

Marxism is extremely divisive. Marxism used an Us vs Them Dichotomy, looking to tear societies apart between rich and poor. Marxism failed. Karl Marx was a false prophet who made predictions that didn’t happen. Marxism failed. His followers have been stubborn and egotistical. They all think they have the best way. Marxists in first world countries, they saw that Rich vs Poor doesn’t work in tertiary economies. They started to use racism instead. DEI would be ego centric policy working to use racism, and be racebaiters, towards dividing society into an Us vs Them.

People who have rejected God, they have tended to like some form of Socialism, looking to empower atheistic government. Dishonorable people, when they come into power, they tend to be totalitarian. They needed to hide their sins. A lot of people in Western Occultism, were egotists and self-serving. There is where you have your links with Marxism.

In general, a lot of Spiritual Warfare, and things like “Black Magic Satanism,” they worked on “Intersectionality.” Intersectionality would be the Key Word. In the 1920’s, in the US, many Labor Unions, they may have been patriotic Americans looking to have an eight hour work day. Marxists liked to attach themselves to labor unions, and work to take them over or circumvent through intersectionality.