Circumcision: virtue signaling, adulthood entry ritual, or sanitary ritual?

Circumcision is stiil practiced in America , but not in the numbers it was a generation ago.

Is this a necessary rite for Christian men?

What was the original intent in the ancient world?

I don’t think it is a requirement for faith… Paul made that clear and the Council in Jerusalem agreed.

I suppose there may be some health benefits from still doing it.

For anyone interested, I found this article on Crosswalk:

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It was an act of obedience.

Isn’t circumcision a practice that reflects the grafting into the Olive tree?

Why would grafting be a positive thing when Torah prohibits the practice along with other forms of kilayim.

Hashem tells us that it is an eternal covenant between Hashem and Abraham. As we know that Hashem does NOT lie, we know that it is everlasting – it is eternal. This is why I, and other males who have traveled this journey before me, go through either a Brit Milah or Hatafat Dam B’rit before immersing in the mikvah and meeting with the Beit Din. It will seal my acceptance of that covenant. I will step into that mikvah, having followed the lies spewed from the pulpit for most of my life and will emerge a child of the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel.