Cremation: Pagan Ritual or Acceptable Means of Corpse Disposal?

A new podcast is out about the Tri State Crematory debacle. I remember hearing older church folks being against it, and one pastor who refused to preach funerals of the cremated back in my childhood.


I’ve heard arguments about that, but I greatly question the methods used in the U.S. I am referring of course to the use of embalming fluid. The Egyptians used similar methods. In Israel there is little room for burials, hence the need to allow a corpse to deteriorate rapidly. They come back a year later and put the bones of the decedent into a “bone box” (ossuary). We are told “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”. Eventually, a person buried in the ground would turn back to dust just as God said. I would rather be buried without being embalmed. God can raise up the dead from the dust of the earth. I had read somewhere that when a body that has been embalmed is exhumed and the body is opened up, there is a “green goo”. Not pleasant to think about. As long as the cremation is not the act of a cult, I have no problem with cremation.

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I don’t have a problem with anyone being cremated. I remember a question someone had one time… If you are cremated, will you go to heaven?

I thought, “Because God waits to see how you’ll be interned to make that decision.”

Here’s a popular article on the subject, “What Does the Bible Say about Cremation”.


I think of the three servants given coin to hold for their master. One was not wise with the money. Paying thousands of dollars to be filled with toxic chemicals can harm the environment instead of a less expensive procedure seems to be a better steward of money and God’s Earth.

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I don’t see an issue with it for a very simple reason; When Jesus does return, and calls all his Children home, the saints who have passed and are sleeping, in caskets in their whole bodies but have been there for hundreds of years … it might seem a little gross (maybe a lot), but their remains won’t be in any better shape than someone who has been cremated!

What of people who died in a horrible fire? The effect would be similar.

Just a personal opinion, I don’t think the means of burial or “disposal” is really a concern. Just the disposition of the heart of the person.


Humans death rituals and concerns are odd.

The latest craze is water cremation-- where powerful alkaline (saltwater) solutions are used to dissolve and dispose of the corpse.

My response is-- who cares? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust---- bury it, burn it, blow it to smithereens… send it out to sea… it doesn’t matter.

The flesh counts for nothing. The spirit returns to God.

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