Did Judas Go to Heaven?

Did Judas Go to Heaven?

As we think about the strange, sad story of Judas, several questions rise to the surface. Was he saved and did he go to heaven or did he go to tell?

#JudasIscariot #BetrayalOfJesus #BiblicalLessons #ChristianTeachings #FaithAndForgiveness

Image courtesy: ©Getty Images / gabrielabertolini

I’ve been reflecting on the story of Judas Iscariot and his role in the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. It’s a complex and challenging part of the Bible, and it raises a difficult question: Did Judas go to heaven?

On one hand, Judas was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, chosen to walk closely with Him during His ministry. But on the other hand, he betrayed Jesus, leading to His arrest and ultimately His crucifixion. After the betrayal, we know that Judas felt deep remorse and even tried to return the silver, but then tragically took his own life.

So, what does this mean for his eternal destiny? Does God’s mercy extend to Judas despite his actions, or did his betrayal seal his fate?

I’m curious to hear your thoughts, interpretations, and any scripture references that might shed light on this. It’s a tough question, and I’d appreciate any perspectives or insights that others might have on this topic. Thanks!

No, Judas did not go to heaven. And no, Judas’ betrayal didn’t seal his eternal fate. Let me explain: Judas didn’t go to heaven because, though he was filled with remorse, he didn’t repent and ask for God’s forgiveness. And Judas didn’t actually believe in Jesus; he just had proximity to Jesus.
Here’s an article that may help you in your understanding of this topic: Did Judas Repent? (gty.org)

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I seriously doubt it, as Jesus himself refers to Judas as “the son of perdition” in John 17:12 in the KJV.

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He says, “No”, but doesn’t give an explanation as to why exactly.

What does it mean when scripture says that Judas is “the son of perdition”?

Jesus said he kept all of them except for the one… Judas. So what does that mean exactly?


Cringe-worthy and contrived. The creepy music, doesn’t help.

Seriously-- does anyone find this sort explanation helpful? He states as fact, things impossible to know.

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Yeah, I don’t see anywhere how he backed up his stance with scripture.

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He shared an opinion. He’d preserve a little credibility by presenting it as such.


Judas chose not to be honest and confess his sin to God. He chose to turn away and betray Christ, feeling remorseful but rejecting Christ’s gift to all of us: forgiveness. The devil tempted him to betray Christ. He gave in. I think, no, Judas did not go to Hell because he betrayed Christ. He went to Hell because he completely rejected Christ and never repented for his sin. He gave into greed and it was too late. And, God knew Judas would make that choice. The “son of perdition,” Judas, (John 17:12) had knowledge of salvation and chose to punish himself and reject God’s grace. So God knew Judas would not be redeemed for that reason. I think that is why Judas did not go to Heaven.


That definitely is a good way of putting it… one can then safely say, “No, Judas didn’t go to hell for betraying Christ.”

I totally agree with you. That’s my stance on the issue.

My father, well read in Scripture, has stated, as others before him, “we will be surprised who is in heaven and surprised by who is not in heaven.”


My dad loves saying that as well.

Acts chapter 1

Judas did repent.
Only Jesus knows for sure if hes in heaven.

Luke chapter 16. Two sides of the Gulf.
Sheol for the wicked and spiritually Dead.
Paradise for the righteous.

I’m not judging anyone.


Judas did not repent.