Pure speculation…and I could be wrong about any of this…
Satan is called the destroyer… Destroyers tend to focus on destroying so its hard to imagine him taking the time to make something…i mean, it is literally in the “Job” description…
…though the early concept of evil was different from our own. To do evil was to destroy. As in the troubles that destroyed Jobs family and property.
Storms and plagues can destroy too, but that does not make them inherently evil as in sinful/ unlawful/ against God. God sent the flood that destroyed the world in Noah’s times, the plagues upon Egypt in Moses’ times, God piqued Satan’s interest in Job and set the rules for what transpired. Not to mention sent an evil spirit to trouble King Saul if I remember correctly.
In the old testament, God defines sinful/lawlessness evil as a choice we constantly make now. Your past record, and your family’s record does not change the fact that you have done a good action or evil action now, at this moment.
Destruction is a part of God’s natural creation and must exist in a world that allows life to both be born and eventually die. Life matures, ripens, and decays. So by this definition of evil, as a destructive principle, I would say God created evil. Even when humans or life arent involved, things get destroyed all the time on earth and out in space with stars going nova and rocks slamming into things. We come into existence like a wave washing ashore from the ocean and return back to the vastness of potential from which we came.
However the idea of evil evolved. The modern ideas of good and evil were influenced by the Zoroastrian religion of long ago which influenced both Judaism (when they went into captivity) and later Christianity.
And this idea is of two oppoaing forces, some representing only good and others only evil. The story of the angels turning against God may originate from here. The *gnostic idea of the evil creator god of the world and an outer good god also originates from this
No middle. Sons of light versus sons of darkness. And much of what we say Christians believe about God lines up with this way of either or thinking, and of a creation at war, fractured, void of forgiveness love and wholeness. Is it any wonder that the world would mirror this belief now, where we demonize people who hold different views from our own?
Ideas, like good and evil, evolve over time. Like how the image of the devil (goat face, goat legs etc, no where in the Bible) was based on a pagan god and came into existence.in a time when the church began attacking and murdering pagans and witches way back when instead of trying to convert them or share an acurate representation of Christ.
Becauae ideas change over time it is important to have an anchor that connects us to Truth. Remember Christ gave us the perfect way to know what is of God… Love God with all your heart, mind, will, soul… And love your neighbor as you love yourself. According to Christ, Everything actually given to us from God leads us back to these two commandments. *
It is the sword that cuts lies from truth, I believe. Man has a way of corrupting what he touches for selfish gain, no matter who it hurts. And this includes corrupting the rules we are told to live by. A man says God said do this and don’t do that, and if he holds authority we are told not to question him… Like a cult leader…which is why God commands not to take His name in vain… We are told it has to do with profanity, so as not to question what man says. But we should absolutely question even the highest authorities when they do not line up with God. To go against God is true lawlessness, chaos with no boundaries. Never respecting another person’s personal space or personal choice. God does not rape and take, or do anything to diminish your light.
Matthew 11:17-19 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)“'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn. ’ For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon. ’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look at him!
This scripture is like all the rules of man that we are told we must obey to be right with God. Political correctness or Merry Christmas- good/ Happy Holidays= antiJesus… Puppet strings God never gave us. It also reveals how man sways from one judgement to the next…regardless of the Spirit dwelling within…but Christ’s love is steady.
And this evolution of ideas may be why Jesus spent so much time correcting priests about their own faith… We lose our way over time. By adding more and more expectations as the times change- causing animosity on Earth to grow. Love would never cauae the world we live in today. If only the disciples of Christ would stop falling asleep.
As for Satan’s kingdom, I would say it is filled with obstacles, and instruments of decay and unfruitfulness- Unforgiveness, fear, shame, guilt, pride, envy, frustration, disappointment, greed, doubt, hate, addiction, lies and anything that prevents peace from being reached or life from blossoming, or a soul from being truly free. Chains and deceptions that keep a person bound. At least that is what it seems like in life when I see people lost in the worst of it.