Hello! My name is Faeryn. I am a PNW native, a mother, the finest purveyor of bad jokes you could ever hope to meet, and a loyal fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team.
I found your fine forum here when I did a web search for something like, “Christianity forum where I can ask tough questions”. I hope that conveys a bit about what it is I’m here for.
If I need to paint with a little more color, I want to find a person(s) that has an open mind to the concept that we all learn in different ways, and that can accept that my questions come from my desire to learn, to understand, and not ever manifest from criticism or for argument. I’ve learned sometimes the line between those places can get easily blurred.
I don’t want to step on any toes or show any disrespect. But I also believe that with a platform as vastly reaching as the internet, that there has to be someone out there that thinks not what I think, but how I think, and may be willing to answer, or try to answer, my questions.
I am grateful to be here and I look forward to speaking with all of you!
Welcome Faeryn— I have a daughter, spelled Farron, but likely spoken the same. You’ll find here that most folks want to have their feelings and beliefs coddled and that ‘tough questions’ and sometimes almost any questions, are in some way disrespectful. But not all folks.
I’m always amazed, while disappointed when discussion forums discourage actual discussion. Good and honest questions deserve answers in kind.
That’s crazy! I’ve never met another Faeryn, or Farron… How awesome! Maybe someday you’d thrill me and tell me how her name was chosen. That would be so interesting to hear!
I don’t know about here specifically, but the Internet at large is a lawless and dangerous place. It must be navigated with vigilance and careful footing. Trouble lurks… I can see what it’s done in a single generation. It’s scary.
But I’m not discouraged! Just very careful about how I allow myself to interact with it… And this seems to be quite a great way.
I don’t have a good, or even interesting story to tell. Her mother told me that she really liked the name Farron, and when I heard it, I liked it too.
I posted that song-- by Chris Stapleton “I’m a traveler” because I’m told that Farron (Faeryn) means ‘adventerous wanderer.’ Not in a Cain in the land of Nod, way— but in a free to fly, move 37 times, kind of way.