Evangelism methods that don’t work

Evangelism methods that don’t work

“…People destroy the chance to lead others to Christ everyday by exuding their own issues of anger, ignorance, and fear under the hole filled umbrella of “telling the truth in love” and turning people away from the gospel. Let’s try hard not to be THAT Christian people try to avoid.”

Forming relationships then allowing those people to ask you about your faith works.

What doesn’t work:

Threatening people with hell

Beating them over the head with scripture

Preaching instead of conversation

Offending the person then blaming them for the offense instead of apologizing

People destroy the chance to lead others to Christ everyday by exuding their own issues of anger, ignorance, and fear under the hole filled umbrella of “telling the truth in love” and turning people away from the gospel. Let’s try hard not to be THAT Christian people try to avoid.

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Do you have proof that these methods don’t work?

I was outreach pastor at a church for over forty years. What worked and didn’t work in reaching folks for Christ was my job.

There have been several studies from PEW Research through the years. You may find those at their website.

Research articles from major missionary arms of various denominations. Articles are available through those as well

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Thanks, I’ll check them out.