Ever feel bored at church?

Do you ever feel bored at church? Whether we haven’t slept enough, or the sermon is …dare say …boring …this article helps us get our hearts right about being bored in church.

Have you ever felt bored at church?

Yes. I had a pastor who proclaimed that he preached so that a child could understand. The kids were in children’s church and his simplistic sermons put folks to sleep.

For other reasons I left and I found a church that thankfully had a pastor with deeper, more challenged sermons.

My pastor rides the wonderful fine line between being too “deep” for newer folks and too simplistic for us long-timers. He backs everything with scripture. Also, he adds humor without it being too much. You have to love a guy who uses the word “knucklehead” in his sermons.

I never feel bored at Church. Our pastor, to put it in the words of Chuck Smith, “simply preaches the word of God simply.” I love it.