Family keeps you at wrong church?

Have you stayed in a church because family members would be very upset if you changed to a church that would be a better place for you? Granny will cry. Dad will be angry. That kind of thing.


I integrated into the church my husband was part of when we got married. (I moved 1000 miles from home, so it was pretty much a no-brainer.) For the first few years, the contrast between my old church and my new one was distressing - nothing biblically/theologically wrong; just different - contemporary vs. traditional. His family all went to that church (his grandfather was a founding member), and it would have been distressing to change. Plus, Hubby had anxiety about going somewhere unfamiliar, meeting new people, and getting connected.

We stuck around, and are still there. Would another church have been better for me/us? I don’t know. I DO know that God uses us in the one we’re in, so I’m content.

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