Favorite cakes and pies?

Cherry pie and lemon cake for me.

Favorite pie: Key Lime

Favorite cake: ice cream cake (with the crunchies between the layers)

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In cold, dreary weather when I long for summer, a slice of key lime pie does the job.

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Shoofly pie is my absolute favorite!

Key Lime was my father-in-law’s favorite pie; he’s the one who introduced me to it. The last thing my husband & I did for him before he died was bring him a slice. He couldn’t eat more than a couple of bites, but it was so appreciated. Whenever I have it I think of him.

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The only pie I don’t care for is peanut butter pie. It makes me queasy.

I love all cakes, including fruit cake.

There was only ever one fruitcake I could stand, and it was my father-in-law’s. Unfortunately, he never wrote down the recipe so when he died, it went with him.

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You can meet go wrong with sweet potato pie :heart: