My life seems to be on the lost cycle. My wife is living and taking care of her 94 yr. old mother and hour and half away from our home. My youngest son is in his 7th and hopefully last rehab. I’ve prayed that he finds his way in life. I’ve only worked about two weeks all last years and the year before that was only a couple of months, and the guy I did work left town owing my about $6K. No one seems to want me any longer because now I’m older. People look at my resume and think I’m going to cost them to much. I feel so stupid for not finishing my degree, but I wanted to provide for my family. I’m just lost and tonight I’m trying not to be depressed but I’m still feeling down. I feel like all my best days are behind me and I have very little chance at retiring comfortably. I pray and ask God for help but I just don’t know. I know he loves me. I know he wouldn’t have brought this far just to see me fail and die. I just don’t know. Thanks, Jack McCune
Hello Jack, I hear your pain, and right now I am feeling it too. Being mostly self employed for the last 30 years I’ve been through a lot, and things aren’t getting easier.
A concept I’m currently seeking God to embrace is that in order to multiply we must first divide. He created the heavens and the earth, then light, dividing it from the darkness. The firmament divided the heavens from the earth, then the dry land appeared after separation from the seas.
What happened next? ABUNDANCE, wham!! everything exploded into life, everywhere you look. The curse then came and limited the kingdoms of man, and the serpent, but guess who’s kingdom went unchanged.
The scripture says in Isaiah 66:8
Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
I find myself in the threshing floor also, but in a different way. And I’ve been that troubled son, who’s mother fasted and prayed for him (and received great deliverance too, so yes there is hope). I am learning however that If we are willing to divide we can then multiply.
How? I would prayerfully consider the fasting and praying part, (dividing yourself from food) I recently fasted for three days and saw miracles (my wife was healed of a scary lump in her throat). There’s more that happened too glory to God.
If he does lead you, try to find a place that you can be comfortable crying out to him. Get loud, he’s not scared, in fact he likes it! Repent for yourself, your wife, and your son. Daniel repented for Israel. Confess your son’s sin and anything at all that comes to mind of your own or your wife’s.
Stuff that you don’t need, get rid of it, sell it, gift it, or throw it away! But be bold and don’t hold back! Then maybe he’ll show you how to multiply your assets?
Ultimately it is Jesus as the living word who will dived asunder soul and spirit and reunite you when he’s done. I will pray for wholeness and abundance for you (starting in the heart), please do the same for me as I face some difficult decisions also.