Greetings from England

Hi to everyone, I’ve just joined and thought I’d try out the posting here first.
This forum is quite different in terms of layout etc to what I’m used to so may take
a while to get used to.
Thank you to Crosswalk plus for the invitation - I look forward to meeting those already here and perhaps make a few new friends. :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Reen!!! :slight_smile: Let’s help each other keep up with our daily (regular) Bible readings and Follow Jesus the way that He wanted us to!
Many blessings to you and yours!


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Hi Reen, wow I noticed your from across pond as I was told when I was fortunate to visit England many years ago. I just joined as well.

Have just joined. Also UK based.


Hello Reen and everyone else! I am in England too, and just joined this evening. I am looking forward to meeting everyone too! :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, I’m from England also. Just a quick one to say hi :wave:

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