How Can We Tell If Someone Is a False Prophet?

How Can We Tell If Someone Is a False Prophet?

This discussion explores biblical warnings about false prophets, encouraging participants to consider how we can identify those who might lead others astray. Members are invited to share their thoughts on distinguishing true spiritual guidance from deception.

#BiblicalWarning #FalseProphets #SpiritualDiscernment #ChristianFaith #IdentifyingTruth

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/elijah_sad

The Bible warns us to be cautious of false prophets who might appear genuine but ultimately lead people astray with deceptive messages. As Jesus said, “They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” – Matthew 7:15. With so many voices claiming to speak truth, it’s important to discern wisely, as Jesus advised, “By their fruit you will recognize them” – Matthew 7:20.

What signs do you think indicate a false prophet, and how can we distinguish genuine spiritual leaders from those who mislead?

For more on this topic, explore the full article:

Sounds like Trump. Notice Crosswalk has no articles opposing Trump’s overtaking evangelicalism with his agenda or his replacing Jesus in the minds of his disciples. Crickets chirp. One very mild article a while back that raised a bit of concern. A true false prophet endorsed by every televangelist, the false prophets of the airwaves.

A new cult has risen, and like the church in Germany in the 1930s, Christians either endorse it fully or turn a blind eye out of fear of Trump’s Brownshirts.

Remember this in the next few years, Crosswalk. Remember who you endorsed by not raising the alarm.

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What I find somewhat humorous is that many of those who squawk most loudly about false prophets (or teachers) strike me as misguided if not delusional cranks themselves. It seemingly never occurs to them or their followers that THEY might be the false prophets. One man’s false prophet is another man’s mega-church pastor, I guess.


Telling if someone is a false prophet is difficult especially if not discerning.
However, few tell-tale signs help.

The prophet’s message, is it about Jesus Christ? Is it about your eternity?
Is it about God, His Love, and His promises?

Another sign is the life of the prophet, Does his life add up to the Word of God? Their fruits
Does his life validate the Word of God?

These are few tell-tale signs among many

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The easiest (and perhaps only) way to detect a false prophet is to determine if what they say is going to happen, actually happens. The- “you will know them by their fruit” requires an examination of their fruit. That is, the things they say and do. -The things they produce.