How did You come to know Christ?

Testimonies can be a great encouragement to believers both new and experienced. I personally love hearing how people got saved, it’s such an encouragement to me. So, with that being said, “How did you come to know Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour?”


Rather than typing it all out, here’s the blog post I wrote on this very issue!
Hatfield’s Fellowship Hall: Some of my personal testimony


Thanks for sharing, Hatfield. I can imagine Beth at that moment because your testimony brought tears to my eyes as I read it. Glory to God for opening your eyes to the truth that set you free. Jesus saves,Jesus saves​:heart::+1::heart:

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Dude, that’s a great testimony! Thanks for sharing it with us!

I was ten years old when a young couple knocked on our house door with an invite to their newly built church. The church was in the next county over. They were beginning a bus ministry. My mom allowed me to go. She was a Christian and unable to drive ,with health issues. I think back now and smile because that couple was probably an answer to my mother’s prayer. In 1977 at the age of 11 I felt the knock of Jesus at my heart’s door and under the guidance of my Sunday school teacher,I accepted Him as my Lord Savior. I remember the time and place as if it was just yesterday.
I still enjoy going to Sunday school. I’ve taught children’s church for the past 27 years.


Thats amazing! Praise God!

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For me it was when somebody told me Jesus was going to return. He showed me Mathew 24.


Praise God for making you so receptive to the truth! I’ve spent my whole life in church yet didn’t get saved until 2 years ago. Praise God for your testimony!

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I was baptized when i was 18 months old.

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I’ll be honest: I don’t remember. I know that there is no such thing as someone being “born a Christian”, but I’m close. :grin: Jesus has just always been an important part of my life. I remember being around 5 years old and asking my mother what the difference was between “Catholic” and “Christian”. I even shared Jesus with my best friend when I slept over her house when I was 6 years old. (She didn’t “get” it, but it DID plant the seed in her mother, who was saved many years later; she shared that fact with me.)


Wow! That’s amazing! Praise God!

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September 1998, I found myself at a rescue mission in PA. One evening during an outdoor chapel service an altar was made, & I felt that small still voice call out my name. Went forward & the pastor prayed the Sinner’s Prayer w/me. When I returned to my bedroom that night, I felt something missing, then I figured it out. It was that weight on my shoulders of all the sin, guilt, resentment anger, & self pleasing attitudes I was had.
It has been a bumpy ride, I’ve backslid, stop going to church & praying, but the Lord has never left my side. I now attend a great church, made new encouraging & uplifting friends. The relationships w/ my children & grandchildren have gotten so much better. I know it’s one at a time, & being on open to the Lord’s will & time, I’m all in this time around.

Stay blessed everyone.


I Amen to know Christ as a young girl with my farming family. We were country people and very religious. My parents kept us praying, talking about the Bible going to church all the time. There were so many revivals every month and guess what? We were always there. Many times because it was our old country church, we would walk to church and always every day pray to Jesus Christ. We were taught that Jesus Christ and God the Father love us sooooo very much and we should love one another.
I was baptized at an early age and a accepted Christ Jesus as my Savior. Bless God. Thank you.


My grandfather was a hellfire and brimstone southern Baptist preacher. I went to church with him on the weekends that I stayed with him which was quite often as I remember. So I was exposed to Christ at a young age. When I hit about 22 years old I began to doubt the existence of God. I even set out to disprove the Bible. I began reading the Bible and making a list of errors, inconsistencies, and misunderstandings. And quite the list it was too. After about 20 years of reading and studying the Bible I came to a realization. The Bible was not the one in error. It was those that taught it without understanding it themselves. So many things that have separated the body of Christ are actually not one way or the other but both. So the contradictions I found actually were puzzle pieces that people tried to fit where they didn’t belong. Once I put aside all that I was “taught” and allowed the Bible to say what it says, I came to realize that God IS real and Christ DID die for me. My favorite verse now is faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of God. No truer words has he spoken. The truth really does set us free. Amen

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Amen! Praise God! I’ve been having a similar experience with someone. But God will break through! I believe it!