How do I get this baby to sleep? - Bedtime Tips & Tricks

What are some things you’ve found to help bedtime go more smoothly?

While you’re thinking it over check out this adorable video of a little guy as he listens to Andrea Bocelli singing to Elmo:

if it’s really bad, put your baby in a car seat and go for a drive. Once asleep take the long way home and bring baby in house right in the car seat. worked amazingly well.

Hi there!! I have 4 kiddos, all boys… They’re all grown hi now but I will swear by this book “The secrets of the Baby Whisperer” by “Tracey Hogg” - I read it with my first pregnancy and all four of mine slept through the night - within about 2-3 weeks (11pm-12pm thru 5:30-6am) there are ways even with newborns to make sure they are fed while not rousing them! I’ve also lent & bought this book for many friends, as long as there is no medical issue it’s amazing!! Plus so many other things it goes over too!

![image|357x500, 50%](upload://9iIWH4Hqnds1AWkdtPAzXmaPcEq.j

Welcome Brookielu,

I wonder if you could perhaps share a point or two from the book or from your own experience that might be helpful to new moms and dads…?

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I see the issue with sharing videos or mind saving books books that helped me as a new mother 20 years ago that still aplomb. I don’t want to plagiarize this woman’s writings but I’ll do my best as it’s a long process to explain a few chapters worth of of an answer. I won’t answer going forward, I was blessed by this book and had 4 babies sleeping through the night due to following her instructions, sorry… It’s not laziness.

Vacuum cleaner…put in corner of the room in other side of baby and turn on…works in less than ten minutes…be sure to turn it off :slight_smile: