Every time I’ve reached a point when I thought I had forgiven this person and moved past the bitterness, something else would happen and I would realize how ready I was to pick up the burden of unforgiveness again. I’ve asked God over and over to let me see this person through His eyes, because I know that “if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:15), but — and I know I’m stating the obvious here — it’s just so hard to do. Maybe that’s why I needed to write this. I need to force myself to focus on it — to think about it. I need to search God’s word and find everything I can about forgiveness, because there is nothing in the Bible that says I’m off the hook if they don’t ever feel sorry. That’s not how it works.
You dont, because you cant. No more than God can forgive the unrepentant who does not confess sin. We are commanded to forgive from the heart them that turn to us to repent (Luke 17:4). Confession from the heart is necessary for the Lord to forgive (I john 1: 9), and so we like Christ are bound to do the same, IF they confess. Otherwise, like Christ we cannot forgive what is not confessed, and we are not greater than our master (Matthew 10:24) (John 13:16).
Forgiveness is not so much a reflection of the state of our heart towards someone, as rather a willingness to set past sins aside and no longer acknowledge them. The key is NOT to allow an open wound to fester in resentment, anger, and poisonous hatred! We can only bestow forgiveness on them that repent and confess, else our ‘forgiveness’ is held in contempt by the unrepentant. But we can through the Spirit and love of God not allow unconfessed sin to poison our hearts.
I have not offered forgiveness to them, for they have not offered confession to me, but neither do I have hatred remaining in my heart for the transgression and fault.
God has forgiven me for my sins, which are many, yet through His grace I’ve gotten what I don’t deserve (His forgiveness) and not what I do deserve (condemnation). Talk about Amazing Grace. How dare I not forgive someone else. Maybe some should read the Lord’s Prayer. “forgive my trespasses as I forgive others”. I’ll take grace any day and be mightily grateful…
Simply put, that just simply has nothing to do with it. Forgiveness is for you, so you can be forgiven by God the Father, unforgiveness keeps us separated from God. I love this analogy
“Holding unforgiveness in your heart is the same as drinking poison and expecting it to kill your enemy” I’ve been there and I know initially some ppl seem or feel like it’s too hard to forgive, but that is why we do it, it’s not supposed to be easy to become better and grow… It is so freeing though. Besides, why waste your life and joy being hurt/offended/etc by someone? Forgiving them NEVER means that what a person did is “Ok” or “not wrong” you can forgive and never speak again. Just don’t You get bogged down by It!
Luke 6:37
Mark 11:25
Matthew 6:14
Matthew 18:35
The conversations been over for about 3yrs, but I’m going to reply anyway:
If that’s true, then why did Jesus say, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”? It’s obvious that those who He forgave weren’t sorry. Why would He have said that if it was impossible to forgive someone who didn’t ask for forgiveness?