How do you make time for your marriage when life is busy?

How do you make time for your marriage when life is busy?

These days, life moves at the speed of light. In such a fast-paced society, we focus on work, the next thing on our to-do list, or social media. The world would like us to think we are more connected with social media, but it’s the complete opposite. With so many things vying for our attention, making time for intimacy with our spouses can take a back seat. In this thread, we will discuss some ways to get back on track.
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Photo credit: ©GettyImages/bernardbodo

Life gets hectic, and when it does, it’s easy for our marriages to quickly be put on the back burner. Maybe it’s a busy season at work, you’re in the middle of a house project, the kids’ events and games are piling up, or you’re starting to feel overwhelmed with all that the holiday season brings.

When this happens, how do you make time for intimacy with your spouse? How do you connect emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in the midst of chaos? We’re sharing our tips below, but I want to hear what has worked in your marriage when you realize you need to get back on track.

Check out this great Crosswalk article that lists ideas for prioritizing your marriage and how to spend meaningful time together: