How does your church receive tithes and offerings?

How Does Your Church Receive Tithes and Offerings?

This discussion invites members to share how their church collects tithes and offerings, reflecting on how different methods can influence the experience of giving. Participants can explore New Testament perspectives on generosity and the heart behind giving.

#ChurchTithingPractices #BiblicalGiving #NewTestamentTithing #CheerfulGiver #FaithAndFinances

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/ADragan

In the New Testament, giving is presented as an act of worship, trust, and generosity rather than a strict command. 2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Jesus also emphasizes storing up treasures in heaven rather than on earth, teaching that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” – Matthew 6:21.

Each church may have its own way of receiving tithes and offerings, whether it’s through offering plates, boxes, online giving, or other methods. How does your church approach this, and what has that experience been like for you?

For further thoughts on this topic, check out this article: How Far Is Too Far When the Church Asks for Money?.

Offering plates, which I dislike. Easy for some people to make a show of dropping in large bills or upward facing checks.

Offering boxes or church PayPal/Venmo may be better options b

At our church, we simply have two offering boxes at the back with no formal offertory or invitation to give. Each week, the offering is designated for a specific purpose, such as the building fund, missionaries, or benevolence. At the start of the service, they announce which fund the offering will support, unless otherwise designated by the giver, but there’s no pressure to contribute.

Additionally, we’re invited to a meal following the service every Sunday, except the last one of the month. On that Sunday, the meal is held in the evening, followed by an “Inspiration Hour” with singing and a devotional led by a member.

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