How Long Have You Been Married?

How Long Have You Been Married?

Marriage is such a beautiful journey, full of ups and downs, lessons, and growth. Whether you’re newlyweds or have been together for decades, each marriage story is unique and worth celebrating.

So, how long have you been married? What has surprised you the most about your journey together? Whether you’re just starting out or have a wealth of experience to share, let’s celebrate the years, the memories, and the wisdom we’ve gained along the way.

Feel free to share how you met, what has kept your relationship strong, and any advice you might have for others. Whether it’s been a year or a lifetime, your story can inspire and encourage others on this beautiful path of marriage.

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My wife and I celebrated 35 years in July.

One thing we’ve developed into our daily routine is coffee together first thing in the morning. We chat, share our plans for the day and most importantly… pray together.

I love love love these times and look forward to them each morning.


my anniversary is TODAY!!! we have been married for 22 years. it feels like yesterday.

Something we started really from day 1 is not letting the sun go down if we were angry or upset with each other before letting that go and getting a peaceful sleep. I’m the one that tends to get mad over things, so sticking to that rule of allowing myself to get angry or mad and then FORGIVING him if it was his fault or ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS if it was my fault and then doing that before laying down to sleep was a tremendous help.

We rarely argue or get upset and we really have only had a handful of what i would consider “big” arguments in our 22 years together, but we never let the sun set before coming together, discussing it and ending the day with a “no matter what, we are in this together and I love you” before falling asleep.

Really, laying down and stewing about how mad or angry you are at your spouse is just hurting you and you can let that fester for days if you don’t put a stop to it. that can turn into general anger/ resentment/ divorce…etc… It is just not worth it.

My husband is my best friend, my confidant, the one I chose and the one who chose me.

anyway, rambling over. TLDR, don’t let the sun go down on your anger.


My husband will be celebrating our 39th anniversary next month. (Fun fact: while our actual anniversary is 9/3, we celebrate all Labor Day weekend, to the point where we sometimes forget the exact date!)


Our anniversary is 3 days before my daughter’s birthday, so we don’t get to celebrate ourselves too much. We get one day and she gets the rest of August!.


That’s where we’re fortunate. Our daughters were born in November and February; plus, since it’s a Holiday weekend, we get the extra. The really funny thing is that we didn’t intend for that to be our anniversary: we originally planned a December wedding. That’s a very long and funny story for another day.


We just celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary. I would highly recommend the book The Five Love Languages, and the movie Fireproof. I taught a bible study based on the movie.


This past June, my wife and I celebrated 36 years. Some of the old hands may recall her as Scarlett from the old forums.


I disagree with the book The Love Languages. My husband & I read it together and laughed every time we came across the words “love tank”. They also didn’t touch upon either of our actual “love languages”.

Now, “Fireproof”, on the other hand, was wonderful. We even did The Love Dare.


My husband and I were married 52 years last April. We met in college and eloped in 1972. We both finished college though, he before I; I finished 18 years later. We were married 10years less 6 weeks before we had our first child. We have 3 grown daughters and 5 grandbitties. God has blessed us richly.


That’s an awesome story!

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I’d have to agree about what you have to say about The Love Languages. In truth, it isn’t quite the cookie cutter guide that people think it will be.


My husband of 52 years and I are early risers. He brings me coffee in bed each morning before we get up to start our days. Raccoons have gotten my 9 chickens so it’s nice to hear this cocky rooster crowing. Blessings…thanks for sharing.

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Thank you…our journey together has not been without hardships and trials but we’re more committed and in love with each other and with the Lord more now than ever before. We got married at 19 and 20…probably too young or at least too immature at the time but God truly has been good to us. There is a story connected with the birth of our first daughter. As I said we were married almost 10 years before she came. I was teaching a ladies weekly prayer and Bible study group. I challenged them to trust God for bigger things than they ever had. After I left one Wednesday morning one of the ladies huffed and puffed and said “we ought to pray Dean and Kathy have a baby!” Withing 6 weeks I was pregnant. I was unaware of what was said until I stopped at her home to share the good news I had just learned from my doctor. She burst into tears and told me what she said to the other ladies. She confessed she was a bit put off by my teaching that morning and really thought us getting pregnant was beyond possible. I guess the Lord showed her!


That’s an awesome testimony of God working in our lives.

We got married at 20. Young but we’ve gotten to grow together.

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My husband was a few weeks shy of 25 and I was 20 when we got married.

My parents were 18 and 21, got married 9 months after meeting (when asked about the wedding date, since it was the day before his birthday, my dad said that it was the earliest date the church had available), and were married for 67 years, until my mom died in 2018. Oh, and there was no “shotgun” involved LOL :laughing:

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Me am not married officially, am cohabiting and we are making 10yrs on 30th Aug but it has been easy for me since I elope with him . Here in my country men marry 3 to 4 wives and as a young girl by then I thought I would be the one and only but last year 2023 I discovered my baby daddy has two children from two women. So I lost interest in marriage but when I see these beautiful marriage stories it makes me to give marriage a second thought.

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Hi Tasha,may I ask what country are you from?

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Hi dear, am from Uganda

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My husband and I have been married for 42 years. We’ve pulled together through international moves, life-threatening situations, and three wonderful young sons. My husband insists I’ve taught him and our three sons how to confront with brave communication that resolves conflicts with grace. We love to discuss the scriptures together and pray together. We have held hands daily throughout our marriage and enjoy one another’s company, respect one another’s commitment to serve others separately or together, and maintain relationships with all generations of those the Lord brings into our lives. We quickly let go of anything that puts a breach in our relationship.

The Lord told me as a young woman through a prophetic word from a minister that the Lord had “a man from the mountain” prepared for me to marry. After I married my husband, I came to realize his first name means “man” and his middle name means “from the mountain.” What a delightful surprise that that word was fulfilled so literally. He’s from Washington state and loves calling Mt. Rainer “my mountain” since he climbed it as a young adult a few times.