How Many of These 10 Types of Gossip Are You Seeing in Your Church?

Gossip is a sneaky sin that can be difficult to avoid! Especially when we are angry or hurt, insecure or in a season of struggle.
This article lists 10 different types of gossip that could be hurting our church communities. 10 different types! I don’t know about you, but that makes me so sad!
Please help me to watch my mouth and bite my tongue! Don’t let the sneaky sin of gossip overcome me - I don’t want to harm people, or my church community.
In Jesus’ Name,

What type of gossip do you see the most at your church?

All of them :pensive: May the merciful lord deliver us from such gossip.Amen

There is some gossip, but I think complaints about gossip occur more often than the actual deed. Chatting about actual events isn’t gossip, IMO. Unverified stories and conspiracy theories fall into that realm.

The church I grew up in had a pastor that preached heavily on gossip, particularly when it was about his adultery. He accused folks of gossip so they would be afraid to discuss his possible termination.