How to Recognize A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

How to Recognize A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

How do you discarn “wolves in sheep’s clothing” as warned in Matthew 7:15. We’re exploring how to identify false prophets by evaluating their teachings against Scripture, observing their actions and outcomes, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit and our faith community. Share your insights and experiences to help others recognize and guard against deceptive influences. #FalseProphets #SpiritualDiscernment #Matthew715 #FaithCommunity #BiblicalTruth #GuardYourFaith #CrosswalkCom

Hi everyone! I’m reading through Matthew right now, and have been pondering Matthew 7:15 today. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." The chapter goes on to say that we will recognize false prophets by their bad fruit - but everyone is prone to sin, so I’m wondering what would be considered “bad fruit” and how to recognize that especially in leaders. What do you think?

To know what bad fruit are we must understand what good fruit is.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. KJV

So there’s the good stuff.
Now, what’s bad?
Well if we look up antonyms for the good fruit, that might help us in our understanding.
Good Work Antonym:
Love Hate, Hatred
Joy. Misery
Peace. War
Long-suffering. Complaining
Gentleness. Unkindness
Goodness. Wickedness
Faith. Mistrust
Meekness. Arrogance
Temperance. Overindulgence

So there’s a fairly decent definition of bad fruit.
A person who always complains, who’s arrogant and unkind you can tell fairly easy.
The sheep’s clothing doesn’t hide them forever.
They act sweet and kind in public. But when it is just you and them, away from the church, they tend to break cover and start sewing discord among the church members.
Everyone has a bad day once in a while. But wolves always have bad days and will tell others in the church. And if you don’t agree with them, guess who they are talking about next?
Well I hope this helps a little in your understanding.


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When you think about “fruit,” it might help to think in terms of “what is produced.”

What comes from the tree (the person)…

You’ve heard the expression said about a kid, who resembles or acts like his mom or dad… and they say- The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree…

That’s an idiom that recognizes the principle-- what a “tree” produces, is a reflection of that tree. It makes sense when looking at offspring in this manner, but the principle is much broader than that. As always, Jesus says it best-- and of course, he isn’t talking about trees at all, but about us.

“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thorns, nor are grapes picked from brambles. The good person out of the good treasury of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasury produces evil, for his mouth speaks from what fills his heart."

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Church Leadership Conferences today be like…

Sinning boldly
Misusing scripture for financial gain
Mistreating the poor
Charging money for a cup of coffee at church :rage::rage::rage:

Wolves have an attitude about sheep: easy pickings. Same with human wolves. They know some folks will offer their own necks if someone in spiritual leadership asks them to do so.

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Here’s the issue…

In days of old, a teacher might make a pupil that didn’t do his homework, or one that behaved badly-- go stand in a corner, or have him wear a dunce hat. Not kidding, there really was such a thing.

It was an easy way to single out, or “identify” a bad actor.

But remove the dunce cap and the kid looks like every other kid. How would you know, walking into a classroom-- who are the bad apples among the bunch, absent outward identifiers like dunce caps?

You would judge by their behavior. You would observe and watch their interactions. It’s no different when looking for wolves who hide among the sheep. They eventually reveal themselves through their actions. When a sheep starts eating other sheep, one might become suspicious about the true nature of that carnivorous sheep.

We have to beware, and be aware. Though he/she has no dunce hat upon their head, that person at the lecturn or pulpit alike-- might still very well be---- an idiot.

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That’s a smart way to discern. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you - that’s a great way to explain it!

Thank you for those examples! And I second the coffee at church point!

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Wait! What?

Coffee at church should be free? By that do you mean that someone else should pay for your coffee? :cowboy_hat_face: --because unless you are at your mom’s… coffee isn’t free.

This might be Juan Valdez–or a Columbian illegal immigrant wolf in sheep’s clothing! Don’t let the donkey throw you off.

It is free at my church. church is NOT a business. It is a ministry.

I visited a friend’s church years ago when I had NO expendable income. He wanted to get coffee in the foyer and chat with folks before the service. I was too embarrassed to say I didn’t have money for a cup of coffee, so I declined. It was a church that taught poverty is a lack of faith- the people Jesus ministered to would not be welcome there.

I have visited many churches through the years, and those who charge for coffee have never been organizations I would want to be a part of. A cup of Joe free of charge speaks of Jesus more that the fancy trendy junk so many churches concentrate on. the Ayn Rand model of church management needs to end.

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okay-- my point is, it isn’t ever free. It’s just that someone else paid the price for you. Kind of like Jesus, I guess eh?

At our Church- there’s a fancy barista bar, where you can order (and pay for) any kind of foo foo drink you can dream up. “May I please have a a sugar free cinnamon dolce breve latte with heavy cream instead of half-and-half?-- oh wait! Can you make that with oat milk? I’m on a diet.”

And we have a serve yourself coffee bar, where you may make a donation in the container to cover your regular cuppa (or pay it forward for someone else who thinks its all free) :sunglasses:

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Sometimes, when people who get saved have lived there entire lives as wolves

and these survivors (wolves) Jesus transforms them into what he wants them to be/ no longer wolves’. Yet Jesus through the spirit uses them from their old fruits to glorify his kingdom through sanctification. I’m 66 yrs old and very knew to Jesus. I had all of the negative fruits but now hes using them in a way that produces good fruit. Just a thought.


Thank you so much for sharing! It’s so beautiful to recognize Jesus’s work in transforming our fruits.

The apostle Paul is an example of this!

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If the church offers it without charge, it is free to those drinking. Of course it isn’t fret to the church itself. That is clear.

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I like our church’s model, even if I don’t always love our church.

Give if you want to, but don’t feel obligated to. This includes the coffee, but also our services don’t include the passing of collection plates for ‘the offering.’ There’s a box by the doors for anyone that wants to contribute to keep the lights on, or you can use the app and link to your bank account.

For perspective-- as a “mega church” they recently did a one-time love offering at the end of a service to support unwed, pregnant mothers… we raised $266k toward the effort.