I am a very woordy person and I know I shouldn’t be and I understand that I don’t know it all so anything I say is just my way of encouragement so pardon me that way when I offer up my thoughts while I call out for help. Maybe our fight is the same and you want a Brother or Sister in that fight? As I continue to learn I’m gonna open up, the people who know me know this and for the other people also I just ask for prayers of Grace, Wisdom, and Patience. I’ve learned that words have weight and when I’m trying to help someone with this much love behind it my words need to be gentle because they may be strong enough to slay a demon but they need to be gentle to the person. I love prayer because talking this way is the same way I pray so the two should reflect.
I keep getting rang like a bell and I’m feeling a great pressure to lean into my faith but I don’t know how. I pray hard, like face down palms up ugly crying and I know if I just practice patience, be still and silent I will bring my Family together, my body healed and He will make use of any talent He gave me for His Will. I’m not great at anything but I am blessed with Faith, Family and talent so what do I do, because I must because it’s His Will! LOL I’ll lock eyeballs to the Sun till I see it if that’s what I gotta do! I’ll speak plainly but I will… When He say’s you can do all things what do you do? I’ve read it and heard it a thousand times now in so many different ways. A perfectly still lake is what I can paint, a chant with a cadence in my mind that can go with any rhythm or in silence so motionless I can’t hear the beating of my own axe against my shield. I imagine infinite stillnesses wrapped in a peace so perfect only His fingertip could ripple it. And boom a connection, this is Spiritual Warfare.
I wanna challenge my faith and do more for my Family but I think look at all I’ve done, look at what I built and destroyed. I wanna say “A Ha! I got myself!” I am a breaker! I know I can be more than what I am and I get a lot of pressure from God, myself, and other people both directly and indirectly. When I feel like I got a lot to say I get torn, help or be silent. I feel like I can help people but it’s just one of those things that fall into my patterns of failures. I already see Jesus working. I see Family reconnecting, I hear stories about people healing, I’ve been making great personal progress, my faith is stronger, my house is cleaner and my food is better so what then? Do I be still, and patient or am I supposed to pick up my bed? What then? How so and in what way? How much of this pressure is from God and how much of it is from me? Do I sit in the pressure or do I jump out of the pressure cooker? Is this a pressure cooker or am I sitting in a crock pot? What then? And then I beat myself with it.
My heart rejoices for my Wife to do well and continues to do so and Praise God for it because His work can be seen in hers. She’s an amazing person, sometimes overly generous with her time but that’s how committed she is, her professional drive is admirable. She knows how all these important business details pull huge projects together to flow. Super smart and beyond with creativity and ingenuity. A super hard worker, and all that drives me because that’s something that attracted us to each other and In every moment I gotta be everything she needs me to be and I want her to give her the best and the only thing stopping any kind of attainable level is me. I have jet fuel coming out of my pours right now LOL. but all I can think to do is pray. I’m just enjoying watching God move, kids grow up, that doesn’t mean I’m giving up because success isn’t based on standards I can think of.
I am content with what God has done and is still doing but the need is still there to have a way to bring money into the house and put my talents to use. I’ve done everything from (currently homemaker), washing cars, food services, factory work, security positions, sales, banking, artist, musician, homemaker, etc… Point is, I shouldn’t allow negative thoughts to rule over me because I know the devil is a lie and I want to do something good with whatever I got but I don’t know what to do but I’m trying to figure it out. All I can think to focus is God and Family and my personal growth because in those things I have a lot of work to do. That means paying attention, eating better, exercising, study, pray and practice because while I am expecting myself to be something more than that right now I don’t know what that means but what I can do is praise God for an abundance of inspiration and pray for urgency in the stillness, peace on the battlefields of depression and Praise God for the power of Prayer!
I have a lot of scars and each one burns and I have to say having people see me through like this is super uncomfortable but I know that talking about my weaknesses will help me heal or see something I am missing in myself and maybe help someone like me. I always hear (and have said) artists are the worst critics of themselves but I think it’s a normal human condition and a blessing but in it I notice I can ruin my own mood and shut down any good thought. How I view the people in my life need to reflect how I feel about them with authenticity and consistency and not with the fear of losing them or offending them which goes to my neighbors, my friends, and Family. This is a lot, thanks for reading and pray for me and my Family please.