Sometimes I feel so lost and alone, and I am either ignorant or rebellious toward the cultural norms of this generation. For example, back when I was looking for entry level jobs in the 80’s, you sent out résumé’s via snail mail, you called the place and sometimes I would even drive to the place and hand the resume directly to HR or the department I was applying to. The interviews were always in person, there was usually only one interview. The competition wasn’t crazy and it was not that hard to find a job in your field. If I did not do well in the interview, I usually knew why.
And now in this insane world, if you are looking for an entry level job, you submit everything online (make sure your LinkedIn profile and GitHub is up to date). You can never talk to the person directly unless they contact you, there could be between 100 to 1000 people competing for the same job (This never made sense since according to a search engine, software developers or web developers or data analysis are among the best degree jobs and fastest growing jobs). So unless you are excellently skilled in the English language (it does not matter if you are actually good at the job) or have some connection to the company, good luck getting hired. First you go into a phone interview and then if they like you, you will get a tech interview. If they still like you then you will go into a third interview sometimes the company pays for you to travel there. I have a son who is a hard worker, has a lot of skills and has sent out around 50 applications. He has only been to three phone interviews and the last one he thought he nailed. The company chose not to pursue any more interviews. Did I tell you that today, even if you think you dotted all i’s and crossed all t’s, you will never know what you did wrong in the interview. He has been looking for a year and continues to improve his skills but he is losing hope. Both he and I struggle with depression. Anyway we need prayer. I hate this corporate culture!