Too many churches cling to ineffective traditions or focus more on numbers than discipleship. Identifying what hinders spiritual growth can help churches realign with their biblical mission. #ChurchGrowth#FaithCommunity#ChristianForums#CrosswalkForums#FaithForums
Churches play a vital role in the spiritual growth and community of believers, but sometimes, certain traditions or practices may do more harm than good. Whether it’s an overemphasis on entertainment, rigid traditions that hinder inclusivity, or a focus on building projects over discipleship, there are aspects of church life that could be reconsidered for the sake of the Gospel.
What do you think? Are there activities or attitudes in modern churches that should be re-evaluated or stopped altogether? Share your thoughts on what might be holding churches back from being more effective in their mission.
For insights on church activities that may need to go, check out this article:
Churches play a vital role in the spiritual growth and community of believers, but sometimes, certain traditions or practices may do more harm than good. Whether it’s an overemphasis on entertainment, rigid traditions that hinder inclusivity, or a focus on building projects over discipleship, there are aspects of church life that could be reconsidered for the sake of the Gospel.
What do you think? Are there activities or attitudes in modern churches that should be re-evaluated or stopped altogether? Share your thoughts on what might be holding churches back from being more effective in their mission.
For insights on church activities that may need to go, check out this article:
Stop building mini cities complete with gyms and broadway style productions. Feed the poor. Clothe the homeless. Servant life over whatever this horror story personality cult production we have in play.
Churches need to get out into the community and feed and clothe the poor. As our country continues to be in crisis, we need to be out there doing the things that our gov’t is not doing and things that we should have been doing for a long time. All of the money that is being spent on grand buldings and things that don’t matter in eternity, should be used to serve others in our communities that are poor. We also need to get off of the Psychology band wagon and preach the gospel. We have become so good at entertaining that we forget the gospel and we do not tell people what sin is and that it is detrimental to our lives. We preach feel good fluffy Christianity and not the Bible.
So often, a church turns into a family business. No lessons learned from the Hophni and Phinehas experiment and their father the high priest Eli-- but then the priesthood was always a family business, from the time of Moses, his brother Aaron, sister Miriam – and all the Levites to follow.
But even successful churches fall to ruin, when pastors think it’s incumbent upon them to appoint their sons, daughters, wives to church positions including making them heir apparent when they step away from the pulpit to remain on staff as Administrators, Advisors, Executive Pastors, etc.
Churches are treated, and often actually operate as franchises. Some might call them satelite campuses, or spin-offs, or break-away groups-- but they operate under certain umbrellas from ‘parent-church’ organizations that feed and support these alternatives when the parking lots get too full.
In Southern California-- there’s no better example of this than the whole Calvary Chapel movement.