If You Miss this, You Miss Everything! A Discussion on Spiritual Warfare

Hey fam, I just wanted to ask you something: What do you think the point of Spiritual Warfare is? I have my stance, but I wanted to hear yalls’ stance on this. Your take on the issue greatly affects how effective your Christian life is. In other words, “If you miss this, you miss everything!”

I’m trying to understand your question. What is ‘the point’ of spiritual warfare?

The point of any battle is victory, no?

Are you asking what spiritual warfare is?

I, too, am a bit perplexed by the OP. I don’t quite understand the question.

Sorry, let me rephrase. What I’m trying to ask is “Why is spiritual warfare even a thing?” "Why does it exist? “What is Satan trying to accomplish through spiritual warfare?”

Evil wants to rule or ruin the world. We battle it in our lives. Spiritual Warfare is understanding what evil is, and removing it from our lives. Spiritual warfare is a lifelong battle

So you are asking why has Satan rebelled against God and pitted himself against humanity…?

No. I’m asking why Satan is so concerned about us. Why is he willing to war against us as believers? Why doesn’t he just leave us alone after we become Christians?