Hi! I’m Zephaniah. I’ve have been called to redefine myself. Grew up in a religiously-divided household of the same faith but different belief systems. This is the time for me to get a restart! Finding out that there are no denominations when it comes to Jesus Christ.
I’m here to unlearn the knowledge I have gained that have been slightly tainted by man’s judgments, standards & laws. I’m here to have the unanswered questions I have, answered. I’m here to improve my faith, trust, and secure my hope for my future in Christ’s love.
I’m here to be transformed again, accordingly through the foundations and standards of God’s will. Bare with me as I journey through the cramped and narrow road with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Nice to meet all the Spiritual Brothers & Sisters out there whom is reading this! <3
Matthew 16:24-26 | Ephesians 4:22-24 | Romans 12:1-2 | Amen <3