God may talk to anyone at anytime. Faith is a journey, and there are things that men may do towards coming closer to God.
God is long suffering. Our trials bring us closer to God. (James 1:2-4) What kind of trials? Past Christians may have lived ascetically. There are the desert fathers. Saint John Chrysostom, he lived in a cave for two years reading his Bible. There have been various men who lived in monasteries. Various times, through Christian history, Christians communities may have had regular periods of fasting.
There is the more right way. There is The Hard Knocks of Life Way.
Article: Radical Christians: Friends of God Movement | CBN
The Friends of God movement was started by people who survived War, Famine, and Plague. They believed that day to day labors, when done in the correct mindset, could help bring someone closer to God.
There are enduring themes here. God is long suffering, our trials bring us closer to God.
A lot of people, they understand trials and suffering. What is the goal? Where is someone going with the trials?
Intuition and Perception Through God
A man’s body is a temple. Jesus Christ dwells in a man through his Holy Spirit. Jesus PERCEIVED through his spirit. What does it mean to perceive through God?
Have you seen a crime drama where the ace detective “went with his gut?” He may have been using intuition and perception. Intuition for an ace detective may have been something he gained over years of experience and being tested. He learned to trust his perceptions. “The Highwaymen” on Netflix would be a more recent crime drama that depicts a detective perceiving and using his intuition. The movie is about an old school Texas Ranger named Frank Hamer who was hired to track down Bonnie and Clyde. There is a conflict in the movie between old school Frank, going with his gut, and the FBI who has the most advanced technology, and scientific means of doing things. Frank learned, over many years, to go with his gut. That took trials. He grew in faith with his instincts. Learning to go with your gut may have been one of the first steps towards growing “More in Faith.” Frank may have been a Church going Christian. He may have been perceiving through God’s Holy Spirit, and not 100% realized it, or he did. Someone should seek God with all his heart and soul and strength and mind. Working to become closer to God, with God, in a cause and effect relationship, he may have received more.
Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, "Why are you thinking these things? (Mark 2:8)
Jesus was intuitive. Jesus perceived in his spirit.