How arrogant. YOU take ultra conservative sources and decide all Bible scholars agree with you. Revelation. Which you have quoted to ad nauseum is about the Roman Empire, not a prophecy set thousands of years into the future.
Many scholars of the Bible disagree with you, including Ehrman snd McClellan.
Don’t assume those who disagree with YOUR interpretation are ignorant of scripture.
Hell is real place. Jesus tells us in Luke chapter 16. About Two sides of the Gulf. Righteous in paradise, and wicked in sheol called hell. 2 Peter chapter 2:4. Fallen angels are in hell, in holding place. It exists, and its not fun to be, hell. I remember seeing article about Rock star, she was making jokes about hell. Will be partying, singing in hell. We can see how detached from reality she is. Rich man of Luke chapter 16, instantly regretted going to sheol. He begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his family, so they would hear testimony, and avoid coming to hell. The torment is from within. God doesn’t torture anyone. Reality hit the rich man hard, and fast.
here is another idiom” the pot calling the kettle black,"
My earlier comment about a week ago being referred to, was obviously not directed towards Historyprof personally, that’s not my MO, but for a few presumably mis-directed words in general, that appeared to be directed towards others in somewhat of a derogatory sense, at least in appearance.
Some of the Challenges in forum Settings, is communicating with one another without any relationship. We don’t really know who we’re communicating with personally, just the presumption that we all are believers and followers of Christ, and at humbly differing levels in our Christian walk.
As mere humans, we all lack the true understanding. We merely comprehend glimpses. Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh, “God”, Provides us the Understanding in accordance with His will and purpose.
These types of forums can be beneficial in the sense that, through the wisdom of God, we would allow the spirit of God working through each one of us, towards one another as “iron sharpens iron”. We are all a work in progress in comparison.
Please Excuse the detour, back to topic.
The concept of life after death that is conscious existence in a place of bliss or torment has had little place in contemporary Jewish thinking since the enlightenment, however, earlier sages and rabbis did not shy away from speaking and writing about the fate of individuals following physical death. Hell commonly referred to as Gehenna in literature was commonly considered a reality. The idea of a world of postmodern punishment was very real to the rabbis and their disciples. They saw Gehenna as an abode of punishment for the person who did not live a righteous life in accordance with the ways of God and the Torah.