Is Voting for the Lesser Evil Acceptable?

The politics of the political side of Salem Media Group do not necessarily reflect my own views. I am fortunate that they allow us to choose our own politics. :slight_smile:


Voting as we know it was unheard of in the ancient world

You’ve read about Moses, right? You know his history.

Sure. Is that an official written policy, or just the practice to date of something unwritten? There are a plethora of former Salem Radio hosts, who likely thought along the same lines at one time, but no longer. Epperson and Atsinger aren’t known for longsuffering. All it would take is for someone to notice, take exception, complain and report to see how the policy in writing or in practice plays out.

But I’m glad you feel like you have such freedom as an employee and Director.

Yes! Over and over and over.

Jacob was less evil than Esau.
Judah was less evil than his brothers in dealing with young Joseph.
Moses was less evil than Pharaoh.
Samson was less evil than the Philistines.
David was less evil than Saul.

Should I go on?

If the Democrats win in Nov. it will be the end of our Republic as we have known it. It will be one party rule with no chance of turning that around. Illegal aliens will be registered to vote by the millions, the Supreme Court will get added seats, abortion will be back to stay, and American bankruptcy will be ensured by the Green Agenda. Interest on national debt now 1 trillion $ a year…that is what ‘voting your conscience’ and third party Don Quixotes will do for the country.

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I believe that our nation will edge further into fascism if the Republican candidate is elected. A dictatorship with fanatical, dangerous disciples overthrowing democracy in favor of a totalitarian regime. The world has seen it before several times and the footprints are clear. The rise of Christian Nationalism dominating citizens of other religions, and vilifying progressive Christians. I am shocked the Evangelicals of our faith are endorsing a convicted felon intent on turning this country into his own private property.

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Alright, before we go any further let’s get our definitions straight: When I say ‘evil,’ I mean anything we think, say, or do that breaks God’s law. What do you mean when you say evil? Do you mean ‘less honorable,’ or do you mean something else?

I think the common understanding works perfectly.

If I had said “less bad” would you ask me to define “bad?”

Try not to equivocate. Being “less evil” in God’s sight doesn’t mean not evil at all. It doesn’t mean someone who has never done anything evil— yet God chooses and uses such imperfect people for His own purposes.

Moses was a murderer.
David was both a murderer and an adulterer.

Neither were disqualified by God for the evil in their history. Why would you think it proper to hold Donald Trump to some personal moral standard of your own that is higher than the examples God sets?

Is it possible to be an EVIL person and still be used by God?

You’re biased. You said you’re a Democrat. And don’t accuse me of being a Republican; I don’t have a political party.

No, I would have understood exactly what you were trying to say. And now that we have our definitions straight, I’m more willing to agree with you. I didn’t say I do, I just said I’m more willing.

I think both sides have legitimate concerns:
Side A

Side B

Both have articulated the alleged evils of both sides and their potential outcomes very well.

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I’m unbiased and think that we’re in trouble no matter which side gets voted in. But I think we’re in bigger trouble if the D’s win.

You are old enough to vote?

No. But I will be soon. It’s best to find out where you stand early instead of last minute.

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Don’t forget to vote in local elections. Getting ethical, decent people into local positions is just as important as who you vote for as president. They can help or hurt citizens just as much as the fat cats in congress.


So would you like to revise your position?

Not everything is black and white. God examines the heart, while people focus on external things.

I’m registered as an independent because I don’t believe that either party is completely in sync with biblical values.

The Bible repeatedly tells the importance of heart attitude and character, so I don’t understand how a Christian can vote for Trump. Jesus said that Satan is the father of lies (Jn. 8:44) and Trump lies more in a single speech than I have in total in the past 30 years (Google “how many times has Trump lied”) - and he never admits a lie or apologizes for anything. He constantly calls people names, he’s been found guilty of sexual assault by a jury of ordinary people who saw enough evidence to be convinced of his guilt, he’s been found guilty of paying a porn star to stay quiet about him sleeping with her (again, by a jury of ordinary people who were chosen by both Trump’s defense lawyers and the prosecution), and had been indited for other crimes - again, by grand juries of ordinary people who heard the evidence and decided it merited criminal charges.

He has no regard for laws or morality, except when he thinks they can help him. Harris, on the other hand, has worked to help people her entire career, and truly seems to care about helping people. The Democrats take “love your neighbor” too far on subjects like abortion and “marriage equality”, but many things they would implement if they can, like health insurance for everyone, paid maternal leave, affordable daycare and preschool, would help decrease abortions, many of which now are for economic reasons.

I’m going to vote for Harris (despite my misgivings about abortion) because Trump is such a terrible person, and has threatened (among other things) to lock up everyone who disagree with him. (Google “has Trump threatened to lock up those who disagree with him”.)

Look at the biblical criteria for leaders in 1 Tim. 3.
Listen to this brief podcast by a fellow Christian:
Search Google for “how many people who worked closely with Trump will not support him”.


Oh. Despite your misgivings about abortion.

One day you’ll answer for it.