Kye’s Corner For Encouragement and Edification

Hello, citizens of the Lord. There is something urging within me that makes me want to share it with everyone. Recently, I have developed a new habit of always speaking positive affirmations to myself every morning. After my prayer time with the Lord to start a new day, I encourage myself with the phrase:


I know that in this busy and challenging life, finding peace, happiness, and fulfillment is very difficult. I hope that my sharing will be helpful to everyone in their spiritual lives and help them find faith and strength on their journey following the Lord.

I sincerely hope to receive your support and participation. Let us create a positive space together, where everyone can find encouragement and motivation in their daily spiritual lives.

Please follow and join in my shares! Let’s start each day with positive energy!

The Lord bless you!


Have you ever considered that “bad days” are from God as well?
When things are going well, we can tend to take God for granted. When we are having bad days, we tend to draw closer to God. Maybe try this. Instead of asking God to take the bad times away, ask Him to lead you through the bad times and help you understand what He wants to teach you. Change your perspective and you can agree with Paul.

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. KJV



Hi Joe!

There are two things I really appreciate about you:
1. The way you ask questions is great; at first, I thought it was a question to oppose my viewpoint, but in reality, it was an opportunity for me to share more deeply about this spiritual habit of mine.
2. The way you share your perspective and lessons through Bible verses. I completely agree with your viewpoint. It’s wonderful!

So, the term “BAD DAYS” here is understood as the challenges, trials, and difficulties we encounter in life.

I agree with you about the value of challenges and difficulties in life.

  • Challenges and difficulties help us recognize the true value of the Lord in the spiritual lives of Christians. It is true that when every day goes smoothly, we cannot see the value and power of the Lord in our lives.

  • Challenges and difficulties help us become stronger and grow in faith.

Therefore, challenges and difficulties are the Lord’s teachings for us.

The habit I have formed of encouraging myself with the phrase “TODAY IS A GOOD DAY” is my way of expressing my faith in Him because whether it is “GOOD” or “BAD,” it is the Lord’s good will.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

For me, there are no “GOOD” or “BAD” days because every day is a lesson from the Lord.

Hey! Glad to meet u



It’s good to meet you as well. Yes, I wanted to deepen your perspective.

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. KJV

As believers, we can get through, and thrive in any situation because we know that God is with us. The rod and staff is that hooked piece of wood. Shepherds use to redirect sheep back to the herd who stray off course. It is a comfort to know we cannot stray too far.

Also, your affirmation reminded me of the Klingon affirmation. When you live a life of honor, then every day is “A good day to die.” I would turn this around.
If we are right with the Lord, then, “every day is a good day to live.”

So embrace the hardships of life.
Learn the lessons God is teaching us through them.
Become stronger in the faith.
Help others walking in the valley.



Numbers 6:24-26 : “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

When you arrive home to your family in peace, I know it is God who has done this.

Before, I had heard of His faithfulness, but now I have seen.


Thank you for that verse.

When I write letters I like to use the verse in Philippians 1:3. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Because I do. I mostly write letters to my 4 sponsored children and begin this way. It’s great to remember people in prayers and for people to know that you care about them.


Here is a verse back to you.

Judges 16:21-22 But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.
Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven. KJV

This is one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture; and my second favorite in the Old Testament.
Samson broke his vow. He was unfaithful.
His hair did not have to grow.
But God did not break His Word.
God was faithful.
God is faithful to you and me even when we are not faithful to Him.

John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. KJV

Our salvation is by grace, through faith, in Jesus.
Because God has demonstrated that we can trust God to keep His Word.
We shall be free indeed.


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This thread is for Kye’s encouragement posts and edification.

** Every day is a gift from Lord

cherish it! ​**

Trust me!
You will experience the power of God today if you start with prayer.

Regardless of how you feel, whether ‘GOOD’ or ‘BAD’, don’t forget to pray and give thanks for the peace you have when you come home. Ask for help if you didn’t find happiness today. Lord will comfort and strengthen you.
Believe in that!
you are not alone.



How were you feeling when you got home?

Hurt, broken?
If you are happy, thank the Lord because that joy comes from His grace.

If you are hurt and broken,

It’s okay! Thank the Lord for the peace that has followed you home.
It’s okay! Because the Lord is waiting for you to share your heart with Him; at least you still have Jesus Christ by your side, who is always listening to you. He has never left you alone; He understands the feelings within you.

Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

So, go ahead and talk to Him, share with Him about your day, your thoughts, and your emotions.

I am nobody to ask you to tell me how your day was.

I cannot understand the thoughts and feelings inside you.

I am not skilled enough to share or advise you on anything.

But I urge you to run to the Lord, for comfort, happiness, and peace come from Him.



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Start the new day with prayer, and you will see the work of His hands

Today is the first day for me to start sharing positive things with everyone under the guidance of Lord.

I also hope to receive from all of u.



Good morning too. Or could it be afternoon from your side? A morning message endowed with hope keeps one going. The angel woke Elijah told him to eat for the journey was yet not over. Be refreshed too.


I can’t believe I finished my work from the previous day at 1 AM. But I still loudly thank Lord for everything He has done for me today. I started a new day feeling energetic, positive, and happy, along with a sense of peace. Even though I ended the day quite late and my energy was depleted, the peace and happiness still remain within me. Lord allows peace and joy to follow me always.

Lord, You are truly great; there is no one like You.


Lord created you with a purpose, so pursue it

If U feel bad today, tell that to Lord and see what He will do for U

Remember that U’re not alone.


Thank you.
May I add, if you are feeling bad because your life is not right with God, then that needs to be corrected; whether you, are a believer, or unbeliever, to stop the bad feeling.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. KJV

Speaking as someone who does this a lot, I know this works. I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven. I received Jesus when I was 4 years old. Yet I still cannot keep myself from sinning. I probably never will in this life, as my sin nature continues to be at war with the new creature I have become. As such, I need forgiveness every day. Thank God I can come before Him and confess my sin. And I know this verse is true because the bad feelings are replaced with the joy of the Lord. If you want joy in your life, confess your sins.



Ur sharing is very sincere, and I appreciate that. Thank you!
For me, whether we feel bad because we are not right with Lord, or we are influenced by many external factors, or even if we feel happy, we should still talk to Him.
If we feel good, we should give thanks to Him.
If we feel bad, we should seek comfort and protection from Him, but still give thanks to Him.

In moments like these, when the cold winter winds blow through every corner of life, I can’t help but ponder the miracle of existence. How can a newborn baby survive in such frigid temperatures without modern heating devices? How can such a tiny being sleep soundly without lying on a soft mattress? These questions linger in my mind, making me feel incredibly small in the presence of the Lord’s greatness.

I recall images of expectant mothers in the final stages of pregnancy, having to travel nearly 70 miles to find a place to rest. In unsanitary conditions, they still give birth to healthy children. It’s truly remarkable! The resilience and strength of a mother in harsh circumstances deeply move me. Each time I think of this, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards the Lord.

Then one day, when I realized that someone had died for me, just to save me, my heart overflowed with joy. I suddenly recognized that I had received a Christmas gift thousands of years ago—the greatest gift I have ever received. It is the boundless love of the Lord bestowed upon me.

John 3:16 states: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

I have been saved and chosen in His great plan from thousands of years ago.

Jesus Christ is my Lord, and I belong to Him.
