Megachurches; good or bad?

  • Are mega churches a detriment to Chrisitianity?
  • No.
  • Yes.
  • Other .
0 voters

Megachurches many times claim to be nondenominational, while building a denomination of their own. Instead of church planting, they maintain control by “multi campus” building.

Pastors seem to have ownership of the church, and little oversight. This past spring and summer showed a constant stream of pastors violating marriage vows, and fiduciary trust.

I could never be part of a church where I am discouraged from meeting a pastor, palmed off to a church lackey when in need of pastoral services, and in order to get to know fellow members, meet with a small group in someone’s home, assigned by age or life experiences.

A church should be a community, made up of all age groups, occupations, and marriage status ,not a small city of strangers.

Another issue: the services are so planned out and professionally made, it seems artificial. Slick and polished performances that weed out sincere believers who don’t look a certain way or sound perfect. A dear friend who sings like an angel was told she could not be on a praise team because she is, in there opinion over weight and over the hill.

**Personal opinion from visiting one and reading about many others. Others may love the anonymity available there.

It’s a pretty safe bet to say that some Megachurches are a detriment to the message of the gospel, while some certainly are not. I’m personally not a fan of the commercialization and production-level presentation found at any and all of these big organizations. They run them like businesses, which is exactly what they are. Our lead pastor makes no apologies for insisting that he and his staff are paid a salary that is commensurate with what a CEO of a similarly sized corporation would be paid in the private sector.

All churches operate under tax laws that favor non-profit organizations. He neglects to mention this advantage when making his comparisons between our church and private corporations. Neither will he disclose to anyone what his salary actually is. He won’t make it pubic (something that the public companies he compares the church to, must do) and apart from the Church Board-- no one knows how much he, or his co-pastors make. Nice side gig writing books too-- you know, for extra income.

So why would I go to such a church? My wife likes it.


Sounds like a huge scam

Not only that… he publicly states that when a person comes to him with a complaint or concern, the first thing he does is look up their giving record. It’s not the only factor he uses to judge a claim, but it’s a major factor he uses to determine how much time and attention he might give them.


Shocking! Sounds like a megalomaniac

What does your wife find appealing about it?

She likes “going to Church” primarily, and this particular one is only about 15 min away from our house. She loves the music and one of the pastors— we skip when this Senior Pastor is set to teach (which isn’t often).