I am not one who makes pronouncements, like “the end is nigh”, because I don’t know if it is. Questions are better than answers in this case, because if I can get the question(s) right, maybe the answers will be more evident. There are two phenomena that bear watching. First, the anti-Christian hate crimes are on the increase (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 2020 Report). Of the 4000 hate crimes committed, 25% were against Christians. Is anti-Christian sentiment and hate a sign of approaching end times? Second, the Prime Minister of Canada said that Canada is the first post national state. What he means is that the nation’s interests come second to the interests of the world. I think he is far from being the only world leader to feel this way. Looking at it from another angle, isn’t one world government a sign of the end times? I’m 74 years old, and it is typical for people, as they age, to become more cynical about the future. My parent’s generation were like that, so maybe I’m seeing things that aren’t really there?