Our Dog Died recently

On Wednesday, January 29th at 2 pm our Rough Collie ‘LINCOLN’ was put to sleep. He was almost 12 years old…His hips gave out which is common for his breed. I suffer from depression and panic attacks, so this was very hard on me. I am 68 and have heart and blood pressure problems…my meds help but I cried very hard that day. I don’t understand why GOD put me through this again. I just lost another dog WINSTON 2 years ago. We have two other Collies, and they are a great source of comfort to me…Please say a prayer for my two dogs that have passed away recently.

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Losing a pet is so hard! They’re like our family and it hurts so much to go through this loss. I’m praying for God’s comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. Lifting you up!

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