I believe that God allowed me to have that dream. It was what led me to receiving Christ as my Saviour 8-9months later.
It seems a little like you are trying to impose whatever degree of importance suits you. Your dreams are God-given and important. Mine are side-effects from pizza.
Here’s a news flash. You don’t get to decide and you shouldn’t be so quick to comment on things you obviously don’t understand.
In your dream, you should understand that YOU are the living room where those spirits were gathered. Grasp this one concept and you will start out on a path that leads to understanding the spiritual realm.
That particular dream was God-allowed, not God-given.
I was at the construction site. I was working on some foundation repairs while framing was going on, and one of the workers was on the far side of the house and operating something like a boom truck, with a long extendable arm like you would see on an excavator. He needed an attachment for this machine and I was standing beside all the various attachments while he extended the arm toward me so I could make the coupling for him. When he raised the arm, picking up the tool that I had attached, the long boom which was segmented and hinged-- it raised up at one of it’s joints as it retracted and doing so, it lifted the roof trusses up and off their supporting wall framing. Everything shook and with a loud crack, part of the truss system collapsed in pieces and a couple of walls fell down. --More repair work required. What started as a small foundation repair quickly turned into a major rebuild.
Sitting on a dock at the bay…
I was sitting with two or three others who were as friends or work associates and I slipped from the dock into the water to display my prowess in the water. I’m extremely comfortable in the water and wanted to somehow impress these folks with the fact. So I swam around in the waves, diving deep and showing how long I could hold my breath- again, so as to impress them.
At one point as a little spoof, I surfaced underneath the dock, where they couldn’t see me and I waited to see how long it would be until they began to worry about me having been underwater so long. As I was waiting for them to start noticing the length of time that had past, the waters began to stir violently and the waves became much bigger. There was a lot of debris floating about and being carried by the waves, and getting tossed about. I dove directly into one of the waves, ducking under it and piercing through it so as to swim under water far out to sea. When I surfaced there was only one other man who was so far out and when he climbed up on a floating plank and stood up to surf upon it, catching a huge wave, I too looked for something to surf upon.
I saw a huge figurehead that had broken off the bow of some wooden ship that was floating, and just as an enormous wave picked it up, I climbed on top. It was the head of a narwhal, complete with carved tusk that had those distinctive spirals. I rode it with the tusk protuding ahead, as if I was on the back of a whale, cruising along the top of this whale. This wave I rode towered over all others, and as it began to peak, I pressed forward to speed down the steep face of it, accelerating quickly to the point of overtaking those smaller waves ahead. The other fellow that was also surfing did the same and bailed out of my way, flipping his board out and propelling himself high into the air with a neat summersault back into the water below.
I saw this and doing the same, I flipped myself off the top of the next wave in front and shot ridiculously high into the air. I could see the people far below looking up in shock, and I was thinking that I might crash land on the dock rather than in the water, but as I came to the peak of my ascent, there appeared beside me a platform that I was able to side-step onto, preventing the need to fall back to the surface below.
It was as a ticket window and there was a young girl inside at the register selling tickets for admission. I laughed at the impossibility and ridiculousness of this outcome, and made a show of it for my friends below-- holding up my hand and finger emphatically and quite dramatically saying-- “I’ll take one please!”
This made those far below roar with laughter, then realizing I had no money at all with me, having just been swimming-- I looked to those below and signaled my empty pockets. One of them threw me his credit card, like a frisbee or a ninja star and it whirled up through the air, but fell just short. Then another person did the same and his card landed at my feet on the platform-- with this I paid for a ticket, or rather he paid for a ticket on my behalf.
Somehow, a hippo got into our house. I grabbed a rifle and shot it square in-between the eyes at least twice. My mom told me to stop since it was so graphic. So I made my way to the front door and yelled and screamed for help. It was midnight, by the way. But instead of help coming, the hippo’s mate calls out for him, and it goes out the front door without hesitation. I’ve gotta say, that was the smallest hippo I’ve ever seen. It was only up to my knee, and I’m 5’6-5’8.
Haven’t posted here in a minute, but a few nights ago I saw a friend so clearly in dream. I had gone to his house looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. He lives on the side of a mountain in Colorado, where I’ve visited him, but he wasn’t in the house or the horse barn or anywhere I looked, so I climbed up the mountainside further until I reached an old mine site and there, entering the shaft I followed it down until I made it to a work room of sorts where he was laying face down on an old bunk- like an army cot.
He was motionless and in obvious pain, barely able to muffle out a groan when I called his name. It was as if his back was broken and he was frozen there, face down, unable to move. So in compassion for him I offered to work on his back for him and hiking up his flannel shirt I went about massaging along his spine, finding every pinch point. He was heavily muscled and hard as rock, like chisled and polished marble you see on Greek or Roman statues, but as I dug my knuckles in and worked out the kinks, his white flesh began to mottle and turn pink as circulation returned. Soon his entire back was bright red, like a flame burning- and he was able to get up. That was it.
I haven’t spoken to this guy in many months, though he is one of my dearest friends. I reached out to him by email and told him about my dream and it’s the darndest thing. He replied with this–
“Haven’t been doing well of late. Amongst all my other issues, Saturday night I collapsed and face planted on the granite floor by the wood burner. I dropped like a rock, broke my glasses and bloodied my face. --Was unable to move for hours.”
I had this dream maybe two months ago and I think about it often. So, my dad is a teacher at the school I went to K-12, and in my dream I took him to a barbeque with all of his teacher friends and for some reason, Ted Danson (who I have primarily watched on The Good Place) was hosting. I was talking to a group of random teachers (don’t remember the conversation) when I looked around to find my dad and saw Erik (my teacher of many years, and our family friend who passed away in August 2023). All of a sudden I became aware that this was a dream and I made the conscious decision to go hug Erik because I knew he had passed in real life. When I walked over to him he put his hand on my shoulder and said “[My name], it’s so good to see you. You’ve grown so strong.” I don’t remember what he said in the middle but he ended with “Know you’re never alone” - I’ve really hung onto “you’ve grown so strong” and “know you’re never alone”. After he said the latter I gave him a big hug and sighed in relief. When we let go of the hug I noticed everyone at the barbeque (all teachers who I recognized + Ted Danson) had turned to stare at us. I woke up. It felt so real.
Fascinating and rich with meaning.
I’ll share just what I’m given-- and you can take it or leave it, of course-- but I was given a way of understanding spiritual things that to some might seem odd- yet these things I was taught to understand in this way. If you were to look outside your house right now, you might see a person walking down the street as snow gently falls and if you were to look closely at that person-- you might think-- ‘That guy reminds me of my cousin John…’ -the way he walks, or the way he’s dressed, or how he wears his hat backwards… and so on.
Your mind makes associations of the things you see (that man whom you don’t know at all) with things you know (your cousin John).
The same things happens in dream. In dream-- YOU are the house, and the things you see (in dream) are not physical things, but spiritual things because dreams are “of spirit” and within the spiritual realm. -A place without physical constraints and a realm that is unfamiliar to the human experience. So-- as with my brief example-- your consciousness (mind) does it’s best to make sense of the things you see in spirit and as with what you did when looking out the window-- it creates “associations.” Things that are known and familiar to extract meaning from things that are otherwise foreign. This is why in dreams and in the telling of them, people (and scripture) constantly use terms to describe what they see, saying-- ‘it was like…’ It’s also why upon waking, as you relate-- people say things like-- ‘it felt so real.’
It felt real because it was real. Whether a person assigns any meaning to a dream or not, doesn’t change the fact that the dream was real. People are quick to attribute their dreams to spicy pizza, or call them meaningless mostly because they have no frame of reference with which to understand them.
With this background in mind, I’ll offer you what I can.
Everything you shared has meaning. None of it is meaningless.
The context (setting) matters. Your dream scene takes place in the presence of your Father… that’s a clue and an indicator that you have a relationship with God (our Father in heaven) in the spiritual kingdom. You know your dad as both a Father and a teacher and these are strong and good associations. Your whole life- he’s been at this ‘school’ of learning where you have spent so much time, where he is always present.
A barbeque-- or any such social setting where food is shared among folks, reinforces the context of learning. In the spiritual sense, food is always related to knowledge. The bread of heaven is not “bread” at all, but knowledge shared (broken) and eaten (taken in) -and to sit and share food with folks is to share information, giving and/or receiving spiritual understanding. It’s kind of like we are doing right now as I break this down and share it with you.
This part is great! In dream-- names have special meaning. That is, a person’s name adds rich context to whatever it is that your brain is trying to interpret from the dream. You see someone you recognize as Ted Danson-- who you also associate with a heavenly scene (as in the Good Place). Disclaimer-- I’ve never seen a single minute of the show and know nothing about it beyond a teaser/trailer commercial for it, but I know that it has something to do with heaven. With this limited understanding of the show itself, I’m not limited in understanding the context. Ted, in your dream is a spiritual being-- not a physical person. If you want to call this spiritual being an angel, that’s a solid reference and your consciousness is relating this being to whatever Ted might be in that show. (I’m guessing he’s also an angel in the show).
But the significance is that you see this being as Ted Danson (by name) and not by whatever name his character might be. “Ted” means wealth, or fortune, or gift of God— in all sense and understanding-- riches. So, you see in your dream a person of considerable standing ‘hosting’ a group of teachers including, and in the presence of-- your Father. What an honorable place for you to find yourself!
Similarly- the name Erik has meaning. And this might be hard to grasp, but you are not actually seeing some deceased friend, or even the living spirit of some deceased friend. The ‘being’ you see and associate with Erik is as alive as your dad, or any of the teachers that were gathered. Again, and this is so important to understand— your mind is making association, to help you make sense of what you have seen in dream. -Erik-- whom you knew also as one of this group of ‘teachers’ means Eternal Ruler-- or forever, or always-- in charge. It’s emphasizing the eternal nature of this place of learning that you found yourself in spirit. And this Erik you associate as having a prominent place among many teachers as a leader in charge, even while in the presence of this ‘rich’ host and your Father alike. You see Erik as important and that takes us to the message this important messenger delivers…
He warmly greets you with an embrace and speaks your name. Without knowing, or ever asking-- I guarantee that your name too, has special meaning here.
I’ll leave it at that. His message to you was both profound and sincere. And all those (teachers) present, turned to acknowledge (recognize) the significance and meaning that this comfort would bring.
Thank you so much for dissecting this. So much meaning I hadn’t seen before. I thought that Ted Danson being there was interesting and felt random but that makes so much sense. All of the name meanings are fascinating as well. The significant amount of associations with learning feels fitting and reinforces my “life quote” the last few years: “be curious, not judgemental”.
I also originally felt uneasy about everyone in the dream turning to look at me, so I really appreciate the perspective that it was because a significant message was being acknowledged. Thank you again for this analysis! You have a gift!
I was on my way into what seemed like a High School building, heading through the front doors outside the large gymnasium. One of my employees, named Dawn, seemed a little frantic and was talking anxiously on her cell phone as I greeted her, but she was too distracted to even return my ‘Hello.’
Before I could even ask ‘What’s wrong’ she blurted that the elevator was stuck, so I immediately went back outside to avoid the crowds and walked to the far end of the building where in another small lobby area, the elevator was located. There were two women wearing masks over their chins standing waiting to get on the elevator while a repairman and another woman were trying to figure out how to get the doors closed and the thing working. It was one of those two-sided elevators with doors on each side and both sides were open, and pushing any number of buttons would not close them.
The repair guy had a key, but I could tell he didn’t know what he was doing. From my perspective it seemed like the doors had been locked into a “hold” position on purpose, the way maintenance people position it for cleaning and such. I asked to see his key and he gave it to me. It was a Master key, but I took it from him and inserted it into the Firefighter Control key slot, rather than the Service key slot where he had been trying unsuccessfully to get the elevator working. I explained that I used to carry elevator keys around with me when I was a firefighter, as they allowed us to ‘take control’ of an elevator at anytime and lock it out like this one with the doors open.
Sure enough, using the key in the Firefighter keyhole worked and I got the door control back again. Everyone got in, and I pulled in a pallet jack that needed to go with for some reason and we got in and the doors closed. I had to have the repair guy push the down button and hold it in order to get the elevator moving and together we all went down below ground to the very bottom of the elevator shaft.
Once the elevator came to a stop at the bottom I again opened the doors to discover that the elevator floor level was actually about 3 feet lower than the floor level, so we tried to nudge with the up button to get the elevator to rise a little at a time, manually. The two ladies were impatient and they hopped/pulled themselves up before we got the two floor levels matched and they took off down a long dimly lit hallway.
Once we had the floors level, I pulled the pallet jack out and along with me down the corridor. I eventually arrived at a construction site which was like a large residence at the framing stage. There were several folks working on the roof trusses and I struggled to get this pallet jack up onto the roof. (It seemed strange to need it up there, but presumably to move the heavy roof tiles). As I was wrestling with the thing, pulling it by the handle and heaving it from underneath, my cellphone along with the power block and its cord fell from my pocket down to the ground below and I couldn’t even see where it landed among the many fallen leaves on the ground. I called to a person at the foot of a ladder to look for it and another worker on the roof came to my aid and helped me get the pallet jack onto an elevated, upper floor that was above this particular section of roof trusses.
There were still large sections of framing that had no trusses placed, and I was told that they had to wait for engineering to plan and build the specialty trusses for that section. A man came immediately and took the pallet jack and together with another, they lifted and placed on it, a very heavy metal anvil, like a blacksmith would use in forging tools or weapons to hammer into shape. The man was wearing a leather apron and had soot upon his face-- seemingly the blacksmith, who needed the pallet jack to transport his anvil about.
I was back on the job, inside the construction site and while my old boss, a journeyman electrician named Barry was there and in charge, the work I was doing was free-lancing, -like a side job for my own benefit and not as part of the contract that Barry was overseeing. I was tasked with providing the wiring for a certain part of the building as an add-on, and as such I had to provide my own material and labor, so I set out to do so.
It was a commercial/industrial building with certain requirements, but as I was simply adding a few extra circuits in only a couple of rooms I ran the wire using residential-grade wiring, pulling it through existing conduits that were already in place. All this was permissible and would have worked fine, but my work ethic and personal standards had me feeling badly about having done so. Then I took notice that some of my wiring ran through walls with metal studs, where residential grade (unsheathed) wiring is not permitted- and I knew that I had to go back and fix my errors. The work I had done was not ‘up to code’ nor workman-like standards, so I began replacing each run with metal-sheathed armored cables where it passed through metal studs.
I looked at stockpiles of material that would be perfect for the job that were sitting unused on site, but these I didn’t touch, instead I went to the vendors to purchase my own.