Dear Lord, I come to You in prayer firstly asking for forgiveness of my past and present sins, known and unknown…Please Lord, cover all my loved ones and myself with Your healing blood and give us a miracle healing from head to toe for all of the medical issues we are dealing with…my husband Carl and his diabetes, Stage 3 kidney disease, and his back Lord….please heal his back so he doesn’t have to go through surgery like the doctor’s are suggesting….it’s a very difficult surgery and I’m afraid for him and his total recovery Lord….please heal .my brothers-in-law Ed and Alan from the cancer they are dealing with…our son Carl who has eosinophilic esophagitis, since he was very young, he’s now 33….a lot of years to deal with not being able to swallow normally and everything getting caught in his throat to the point of either forcing it down, or let it come up…his flat feet and inverted ankles, he is more or less walking on his ankles, my brother Jack and his heart issues, brother Dennis and his very bad eyesight and they don’t expect him to have his eyesight much longer….my brother Lewis, who lost his wife 2 years ago and who doesn’t want to live without her, Lord please help him through this and help him to live the life that You created for him…please let him find someone to share his life with so that he’s not so lonely….my sister Carol and all her health issues and all my loved ones and their financial issues as well….please Lord, give us all spiritual, physical, emotional, financial healing and safe travels, wherever we go and please keep us safe in our homes and jobs and from everything that is not from You….Thank You Lord….I Love You Lord, with all my heart and soul….Amen