Searching for a book

this my first topic thread and a strange one. I’m searching high and low for a certain book. And for the life of me i can not find even a hint of this book by this Christian author or even it’s existence. the website i got this from is gone. i tried to google it nothing comes up plus the author has the same first and last name as a 60s singer/songwriter which complicates things so…:person_shrugging: i’m at a loss.
His name is Tim Buckley the book is about being single. The title of the book sounds questionable. I don’t think i can say the title on here even though it means well. It might make the search easier but maybe i shouldn’t risk it. Let’s just say the title is way too literal. it used to be an Ebook i could read on line. I only read one chapter i want to read the rest of it… The chapter i read perfectly reflects my life long situation. That’s why i wanted to read the rest of the book. (if only he could’ve changed the book’s title or more importantly gave himself a sudoname)
If you don’t mind i’d like to share chapter, it’s very short.
"Baptists idolise family. “Ours is a family church.” “Let’s pray for our children. “Come as a family.” But seldom, if ever, “Singles only.” Celibacy among us is not easy. Looking for help in writing this article I examined the very best Study Bible./1 I found lots of good articles on “women”, “men”, “family” and “marriage” as well as hundreds on different jobs and professions - but not one on singleness! Let Protestant pastors and teachers confess, we have made the “harder path” more difficult still by our silence.
Many people who would love to be married “have not found the right person”. Lots of them are so attractive, that onlookers can only wonder what is wrong with all their contemporaries. Some of these are “called” to singleness but have not yet heard or accepted that call.
In many cases circumstances have conspired to produce a single. Caring for a family member, illness, and many other factors can make marriage difficult or impossible. (In this article I am not dealing with the singleness which comes after marriage - bereavement, separation and divorce raise a different set of questions.)
These kinds of “enforced” singleness can be saddening, even embittering. Yet God does, on occasion, use force to get his way. Have you never prayed “your will be done”? Perhaps it is?”

I wish he’d given some scripture. i’m sure he probably did in other chapters but i will say i can totally relate to this. I wished i didn’t :disappointed: But it seems to reflect what happened with me. This is just one of the reasons why i want to find this book. But it’s like it never even existed. Books just don’t disappear from existence… at the most it’s very frustrating. Especially when i can not convince Google i’m not looking for the singer/songwriter Tim Buckley, there just so happens to be a Christian author with that exact same name…:persevere: If yall coukd help track down this book, i’d be forever grateful. Thank you and God bless!:pray:t4::heart:
(i had to edit out the title when i read your TOS, if i can PM someone the title, i guess it’d be easier?)

Uhm. I’ve exhausted my search for your Tim Buckley. Do you have his last name spelled correctly?

If you want an excellent attempt on the topic of singleness, Chuck Swindoll wrote an excellent little pamphlet years ago. Still available on Amazon.

I’m not likely to invest time into the topic but that little book was excellent from my remembrance of it. I’ve recommended it several times.

Could the title be;

As You Love Love Yourself m
Spiritual Reflections of Self Love
by Timothy Steven Buckley?

Its available on Amazon in paperback for $15.99.

Did you really look for the books? It was not hard to find.


The title was…and i hope i don’t get in trouble but this was the title… “Sex Is Not For Everyone” It was basically about not everyone is called to be married even if they have that desire… Which i strongly believe because no matter how much i wanted a wife, God just said “No!” He had singleness planned for me.
It seems to be taught in churches that just because you have a desire for marriage that’s a sure sign that God wants you married… that is very untrue! I’m the living example and that book was the first time i ever heard the truth about that situation. He did write other books on similar topics that could be another one you found.
Thank you so much for searching…:heart::heart:

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Try Ebay thy got every thing.

Ive got my sights set on trying to find your book. I’ll get back to you if I find it. God bless ~M~

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There is no such book associated with Timothy Steven Buckley according to Google.
He has two books published, and neither has the title you have given.


i even searched on Internet Archive i put in the name of the book and authors name…NOTHING! :disappointed: I even googled in quotes a sentence of that chapter, the only thing that came up was this page. How can this not exist, when i copied and pasted a chapter from it? :cry: The only view that made sense of my personal situation and now it’s not only gone but all proof of it’s existence gone…(except the chapter i copied but i can’t really prove that it’s from a book​:frowning:) i’m feeling a bit distressed over this…:cry:
THANK YOU ALL FOR TRYING! :heart::heart:

If only i can find scriptures that prove just because you want to marry doesn’t mean that is God’s will for you. There was a time when that was preached but now it seems they’re teaching that “if God doesn’t want you married at all, you won’t have that desire. If you do have that desire then God has someone out there for you.”
THAT IS WRONG! It’s not black & white. The author explained this in that book. Someone years ago explained to me that that could’ve been Paul’s “thorn” which i don’t believe because in 1 Corinthians 7 he said he’s happy being single.
My singleness was “forced” in a way. Rather it be my family (they did sorta “prevented” relationships to protect me…very complicated story in which i still can’t explain”) or just a series of unfortunate events. Either way, it was “prevented” that’s the only way i can describe it. By what or who? It’s up for debate.
My singleness always felt forced to me… i wouldn’t mind being single all my life but i don’t really like how it came to be that way…
Can anyone comprehend that? hopefully…:pray:t4:

There’s the part where Jesus talked about eunuchs:

Matthew 19:10-12

"The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

I take the “eunuchs who are born that way” to be those who don’t have the desire to marry. “Eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others” are those who desire marriage, but society/others have prevented that, and “those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” may desire to marry but have deliberately chosen to sacrifice that desire for God.

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Some people believe eunuchs are physically meaning thier reproductive system is permanently damaged either by birth or accidental. I always wondered if i was a eunuch but they always said “if you have your “parts” in tact, you’re not a eunuch.”I always had problems with that belief system.